From the desk of Steve Shultz:
God is on the move...and there is so much He is doing and getting us ready for. This is a most encouraging and powerful word by Evangelist, Ella Onakoya, of the UK. She is all about the harvest of you'll read about in her latest article.
Ella opens up with this statement:
I believe this is a pivotal and important time in the history of the Church. I have been hearing in my spirit the sound of rain like never before. The Lord is releasing an alert for His Church to discern the sounds of rain and to be positioned to receive the rain He is releasing that will bring in a harvest of souls, healings, restoration and a divine turnaround from setbacks of the enemy.
I couldn't say it any better. It is TIME for a DIVINE TURNAROUND for yourself, your loved ones and your family. Be highly encouraged as you watch the Lord turn things around for your good! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"God is Releasing the Rain of His Spirit for a Divine Turnaround!"
Ella Onakoya, London, United Kingdom
I believe this is a pivotal and important time in the history of the Church. I have been hearing in my spirit the sound of rain like never before. The Lord is releasing an alert for His Church to discern the sounds of rain and to be positioned to receive the rain He is releasing that will bring in a harvest of souls, healings, restoration and a divine turnaround from setbacks of the enemy.
Lord, We Need Your River and Your Rain
Recently, I had a prophetic dream where I was preaching at a meeting. As I preached, I felt a barrier in the spirit that was hindering the people from receiving the word of the Lord. Suddenly, the Lord told me to start singing a song about His rain and His river. I obeyed and began to sing, "Lord, we need Your river, Lord, we need Your rain, shower down Your blessings over us." As I sang, the anointing fell as a deluge—changing not only the atmosphere of the place, but of the hearts. The hearts of those I spoke to softened and a number of them began to stand in a line to give their hearts to the Lord.
"We must pray from a position of victory before the throne of God where we can see the victory even before the manifestation!" |
I woke up from the dream with the revelation that the anointing to bring in a large harvest of souls, restoration and healing, is being released through the rain of God falling from Heaven. Without the Lord and His anointing, we can do nothing!
Keys to Be Positioned for the Rain
The Lord gave me several keys for being positioned to not only receive, but function under the rain of His Spirit.
1. We must believe this to be a season of rain and ask accordingly for it.
Faith and trust always precedes what the Lord wants to do. Zechariah 10 verse 1 says, "Ask rain from the Lord in the time of spring rain..."
2. As the Lord releases His rain on thirsty ground, He is calling us to be ready for revival and to be positioned to bring in the harvest of souls.
Joel 2:23-24 has this beautiful promise, "So rejoice, O sons of Zion, and be glad in the LORD your God; For He has given you the early rain for your vindication. And He has poured down for you the rain, the early and latter rain as before. The threshing floors will be full of wheat and the vats will overflow with the new wine and oil." I believe the Spirit of the Lord is saying, "Watch out for the thirsty and dry grounds. For these will receive a heavy deluge of the rain." Wheat signifies the harvest. Where the rain falls the harvest will... (continue reading)