From the desk of Steve Shultz:
If ever there was a time for some "Divine Reversals" I'd say we are in that time for sure!
A couple years ago, God started speaking to Jane Hamon about how He would reverse many wrong decrees over our nation(s) and over our lives...this is on a grand scale!
She now has added to that message and how it pertains more than ever to these reversals...happening NOW.
Jane opens with this:
A couple years ago, I heard the Lord say to tell the people of God that we have entered a time of "Divine Reversals" when He would begin to turn things around for His people—health, hearts, finances, prodigals, families, ministries, businesses and even nations. I believe we are living fully in that season now. Things that have seemed impossible before are now being made possible because we are in a unique moment of divine intervention and grace. God has heard the cry of His people to "Turn It Around!"
Now read on...and find out HOW you can make some decrees over your life, your family and your area(s) of influence! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Time for Divine Reversals and Spending Our Favor"
Jane Hamon, Santa Rosa Beach, FL
A couple years ago, I heard the Lord say to tell the people of God that we have entered a time of "Divine Reversals" when He would begin to turn things around for His people—health, hearts, finances, prodigals, families, ministries, businesses and even nations. I believe we are living fully in that season now. Things that have seemed impossible before are now being made possible because we are in a unique moment of divine intervention and grace. God has heard the cry of His people to "Turn It Around!"
When God initially spoke this to me, it was the beginning of the year 2015 and I was studying in the book of Esther. Esther is a picture of the Church, the followers of Christ, who are interceding for nations and generations today. We all know this is the story of when Esther, a Jewish young woman living in captivity in Persia, was made queen.
Shortly after this time, it was discovered that an evil, wicked man named Haman had written a decree against God's people of death and destruction—to wipe them off the face of the earth and to take all their property. Mordecai asked Esther to go before the king to get a reversal of this death decree.
Today there is great hostility against Believers and the cause of Christ in the earth today, and it seems to be growing worse. The antichrist spirit would love to see wickedness and injustice prevail and the voice of righteousness and truth silenced. We are living in the day where they call good evil and call evil good. The king in this story was named Ahasuerus whose name means, "I will keep you poor and silent." This is the strategy of the enemy against the Church today.
"This is an Esther moment! The Church cannot be silent." |
In today's media and culture, prayer and faith are mocked in an attempt to silence and intimidate the voice of God's people and to rob us of a place of influence to shape culture in a righteous way. But God has a plan! The pendulum is swinging and the enemy is overplaying his hand. The curse is getting ready to be turned to a blessing for us (Deut. 23:5).
Spending Favor
A few months ago, I heard the Lord say to someone I was ministering to... (continue reading)