From the desk of Steve Shultz:
We, at the Elijah List, will continue...and then continue some bring you the most uplifting and encouraging prophetic words for the DAY we are in. "Why?" you might ask, as darkness and chaos seem to abound in these days!
AND that's exactly WHY we will continue bringing you the most edifying and true prophetic words for our day...because God's prophetic voice released into the atmosphere DECREES His word and His heart over the land.
Jennifer Miskov of Redding, CA shares an exciting word about how we can "position" ourselves for incoming revival. There are great keys full of wisdom I would read this, print it out, pray over it and share with everyone you know.
Revival and Reformation are imminent as many trusted prophetic voices have been saying. Our job, as the Body, is to come into agreement as we also prepare and position ourselves for what God is doing!
Amen...enjoy! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Position Yourself for the Incoming Revival"
Jennifer A. Miskov, Redding, CA
If we knew ahead of time that the Azusa Street Revival (1906) was coming, how would we prepare for it? What about the Welsh Revival, the Jesus People Movement, the Protestant Reformation, or the Great Awakening?
There's been prophecy after prophecy about another great awakening—a billion soul harvest and a third great wave of revival approaching. From my years of studying revival history, there are a few insights I wanted to share that I believe will help us all to position ourselves to catch the next wave and prepare for this incoming move of God.
1. Remain Open
"Steward, embrace and accept the gift God has entrusted you with. I urge you not to sacrifice the gift God has given you or sabotage the calling on your life because you're afraid to shine or you feel inadequate." |
It is important to remain open and to realize that revival in our day might look different from what we expect. In the 1970s, many were not prepared for revival to come through the hippies in the Jesus People Movement. In the Azusa Street Revival in 1906, people began to speak in tongues, which was a newer manifestation in their day. Many who led the previous revivals were the first to criticize this new move of God because they didn't understand what was going on. However, those who remained open and hungry for all God had for them, even if it looked different from what they expected, were able to embrace the new move of God in their day.
We need to be careful not to miss what God is doing because it comes in a different package than what we imagined. I want to encourage you not to throw out the baby with the bath water. Beautiful babies are born with a mess all around them. Don't be afraid of a mess. Keep your eyes on what God is doing, not on the counterfeits or on what He's not doing. If you don't understand what's happening, seek understanding and then yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit even if it feels uncomfortable.
In Matthew 14, Jesus came out to the disciples walking on the lake in the midst of a storm. Their friend was standing right there in front of them but they mistook Him for a ghost because He came out of context and not how they expected Him to come. Don't let the storms distract you from seeing Jesus.
2. Keep Focused
When you do find Jesus in the midst of the whirlwinds surrounding new moves of God, keep your eyes fixed on Him no matter what's going on around Him. As we stay focused on the one thing, our heart will burn with greater passion and fire for Jesus than ever before (Psalm 27). The origin of the word focus is influenced by the Latin word used for fire. What we focus on shapes our lives and determines who we will become. (Photo via Pixabay)
When we focus on Jesus and on those things He has entrusted us with in each season, this will help make us ready. It's also important to make sure we're not holding anything that's not ours to carry this season or else we won't have open arms to receive what God is bringing next. A great and regular prayer you can pray to stay in the fire of His love is, "God, send Your... (continue reading)