From the desk of Steve Shultz:
As we just turned back the clocks last Sunday, this is a "timely" prophetic word about God turning back the clocks for things delayed in our lives and much more!
Our God is a God of fact He LOVES bringing restoration into people's lives.
Just as Nate Johnston of Australia shares:
The Spirit of God said to me, "I am turning back the clocks for those in transition who have grown weary and thin in the waiting and the resettling. I am taking the time they feel has been wasted in the wilderness, and I am going to reverse the clocks by multiplying opportunities, divine moments, and favor in this next season. For many have said that they are heart sick, hope deferred and their dreams shattered; but I say to them that their destinies will NOT end this way!"
Have you been in a season of delay? The Lord is saying over you today that there will be no more delay for the promises He has declared over your life.
Amen...receive this word as God brings you out of any perceived delay! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

"In the Hour of the 11th Hour Turnaround – Let's Turn Back the Clocks!"
Nate Johnston, Gold Coast, Australia
On the morning of November 4th, I was in worship at our annual Australian Prophetic Summit when I saw a vision of a wrist watch in front of me. I watched over and over as its hour hand began to spin counter-clockwise, then land on 11:00, spin then land, spin then land.
Transition Woes Turn to Joy
After the vision, the Lord brought the book of John 11 to my mind. John 11 begins speaking about Lazarus, a friend of Jesus, who was sick. Jesus is shortly told that His friend was sick, to which Jesus comments in verse 4:
"This sickness will NOT end in death. No, it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it." (John 11:4)
"I could sense the Lord's heart burning for nations and saw the fiery ones He had raised up for this hour to partner with Him." |
The Spirit of God said to me, "I am turning back the clocks for those in transition who have grown weary and thin in the waiting and the resettling. I am taking the time they feel has been wasted in the wilderness, and I am going to reverse the clocks by multiplying opportunities, divine moments, and favor in this next season. For many have said that they are heart sick, hope deferred and their dreams shattered; but I say to them that their destinies will NOT end this way!"
Maybe just like the sisters of Lazarus who said, "Jesus, You have come too late, Lazarus has passed 4 days ago," (John 4:21; 32) you have thought, "God You are too late to rescue me. You didn't show up like I needed You to. My heart and my dreams have been in the tomb for too long!"
He is saying over you that despite how it looks or seems, He will not let it end the way it currently is.
Get ready for...(continue reading)