| | DR. ALVEDA KING'S NEW POST-ELECTION BOOK: AMERICA, RETURN TO GOD! Dr. Martin Luther King's Niece, Alveda King's latest book was written soon after the election of the next president of the United States. Now hear this clarion call, "American, RETURN TO GOD!" | "We cannot say that we the people, whatever our ethnicity, want to heal the United States without taking time to read this thoughtful book. It is strong medicine to heal a broken nation and we need it to become 'one.'" —Cindy Jacobs, Cofounder of Generals International | "Your heart will be 'strangely warmed' as you read the pages of this book. God still has a dream for America. He still has a safe harbor for our families and a specific calling for each of us to enter in the flow of the next Great Awakening." —Bishop Harry Jackson, Senior Pastor, Hope Christian Church | "The Word says, 'Blessed are the peacemakers for THEY will inherit the earth.' Alveda King in 'America Return to God' is a peacemaker of epic proportions." —Steve Shultz, Founder of the Elijah List | "Alveda King is uniquely and divinely designed, conceived, and assigned to be a force for social justice and healing." —Pastor Frank Amedia, Touch Heaven Ministries | ORDER YOUR BOOK TODAY! | $15.99 | $9.99 | | | | Want to watch the video before ordering the book? Click Here! A Brief Outline From Alveda's Book: | One reason that America borders on the brink of economic disaster and constant violent upheaval is that we have turned blind eyes and deaf ears to the plight of our brothers and sisters. Like Cain who killed his brother Abel, we have despised good and have turned away from caring about what happens to our brothers and sisters. We must humble ourselves as Nehemiah did: "When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of Heaven." (Nehemiah 1:4 NIV). Amazingly, in 2015, there emerged a least likely presidential candidate who wanted to "make America great again." He started speaking of "building a wall" around America's borders. The people became fearful, the naysayers became furious. Yet the talk of America's wall continued. All of this talk about a "wall" for America has actually caused the hearts of America's prayer warriors to hope again, realizing that a wall must have a strong foundation, a sturdy rock, and a Chief Cornerstone. Finally, 21st century America seems to have taken notice that something more is required if there is truly to be hope for America. Yes, there is hope, and there still may be time to return to God and rebuild God's wall of protection around our nation. If we sincerely desire to rebuild our nation, there is much to be learned from the lessons in the books of Esther, Ezra and Nehemiah. It's the season for the "hidden prophets" to speak out: In the Bible account, Ahab called for Obadiah, his household supervisor. This man, who feared the LORD very much, had taken 100 prophets and had hidden them by fifties in a cave, providing them with food and water when Jezebel was trying to destroy the LORD's prophets. Let the kings and priests of God arise. Let the prophets and intercessors unite with the high praises of God in our mouths. In the final analysis, hope springs eternal. Even as the year 2016 was a season for God repairing breaches and unleashing many spiritual gifts to advance His Heavenly Kingdom, I pray that 2017 and beyond will be remembered as the beginning of a new and fresh wave of repentance, healing and forgiveness among families, communities and nations. As hope springs eternal, faith will increase and agape love will grow stronger. As this happens, the repairing, rebuilding, restoring process is all part of God's eternal plan to draw America ever closer to His heart. May this book be a landmark in the history of 21st century America, chronicling the REPAIRING THE GATES, REBUILDING THE WALL, RESTORING THE DREAM, and RETURNING TO GOD. | ORDER YOUR BOOK TODAY! | $15.99 | $9.99 | | | Want to watch the video before ordering the book? Click Here!
| | |  | |  | November 21, 2017 | | | | | |