From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I know Sandie personally and have spoken at her church. She is the "real deal" and you have much to learn from her.
Sandie's an amazing teacher regarding the prophetic, but also dreams specifically. Not many can communicate dream language, but Sandie is your "go-to" person on dreams.
Here's an important statement by her:
Did you realize that every time God gives a dream, it is actually an opportunity to shift into destiny? Yes, every dream is like a door opening into greater revelation. Question is: are we really listening when He speaks to us?
You're going to love this article! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"God Still Speaks Through Dreams and Visions"
Dr. Sandie Freed, Bedford, TX
Dear Believer,
We are in a season where the Lord is releasing dreams and visions as never before! As a prophet, I am excited that God is speaking clearly concerning our new season through our dreams. Did you realize that every time God gives a dream, it is actually an opportunity to shift into destiny? Yes, every dream is like a door opening into greater revelation. Question is: are we really listening when He speaks to us?
This is an updated article concerning hearing God's voice through dreams and visions. I have taken the time to update the article and add new insight, and I truly believe that this is a NOW word, as He continues to pour our His Spirit on all flesh, especially upon our children and the next generation!
We Can All Hear God's Voice!
Each of us has been equipped by God with the ability to hear His voice. The problem is so many of us don't realize He is speaking to us in our dreams. For many years we have treated our dreams as "junk mail" and tossed them aside without taking time to study and discern the dreams properly. We must begin to take our dreams more seriously.
Remember, it was through a dream that the Father spoke to Joseph (the earthly father of Jesus), and gave him specific direction to save Jesus' life! Knowing this, we should never treat our dreams as unimportant, but rather fine-tune our spiritual senses to hear His voice more accurately.
Many of my dreams actually equip me for spiritual warfare. By this, I mean that God often speaks to me in a dream concerning situations in the Body of Christ which require prayer for breakthrough. Many times the Lord exposes personal strongholds through dreams. For instance, if someone struggles with a religious spirit, it might be revealed through a dream symbolically, such as dreaming of someone who is so bent toward tradition that he/she resists the present move of His Spirit. Or, if someone struggles with a Jezebel spirit, one might have a dream of someone who is controlling and manipulating.
"Let's not treat our dreams and visions like junk-mail and toss them to the side." |
One of the most common dreams I hear from others are dreams that involve seductive scenes. These types of dreams are not always revealing a stronghold of sexual impurity, but rather exposure of a seducing spirit which entices us to "go back." The devil does NOT want us to possess our Promised Land! If he can seduce us into apostasy, convincing us to remain lukewarm, he will steal our destiny!
Dreams of Open Doors
We are in fresh season of both "seeing" and "hearing." By this I mean that God is confirming His Word through what we see in dreams and visions. In this season, God is confirming that we are entering a time of "new beginnings." A few months back (right before the Jewish New Year), I heard the Lord specifically say:
"My Church is entering into a season of new beginnings. I am bringing forth many suddenlies and Kairos moments. I will catch My children up if they have lagged behind, it will be a catch-up time. They will no longer feel left out or left behind. Regardless of past mistakes, they will not be hindered in their forward progression if they will simply have faith! I will open many doors: doors of breakthrough, doors of finances, doors of opportunity and enlargement. What has been shut will now become opened."
Believers, let your faith arise! God is releasing the key of David to us again, so that we can open doors that no man can shut (Rev 3:7). Therefore, there are many Believers who have been having dreams about keys and doors; this is confirmation to the Word of the Lord that many are prophesying right now. (Photo via freedesignfile)
Let me ask you a question: are you being accountable to... (continue reading)