| | | | TO SUBSCRIBE to Amazing Health Advances, Click HERE! | December 25, 2017 | A Personal Note From Steve To Elijah List Readers Dear Elijah List Readers, I'm very excited about our newest separate free email list, called: AMAZING HEALTH ADVANCES! As one of our readers, you know the quality we put into our publications. And with that let me say for most of my life, I've had a very strong interest in the latest and greatest health advances that medical science is making or even stumbling into! That's what AHA is all about... letting you, the reader know about many of these MEDICAL ADVANCES as they are published when they are hot off the press. Beyond that you'll read about other NATUROPATHIC ADVANCES the orthodox medical publications may not carry. I LOVE THE NATUROPATHIC SCIENCES AND SO WILL YOU. Now, to whet your appetite, check out one of our great email postings just below! So let me say it this way, "Please, if you have even the tiniest interest in your health, quickly subscribe to AMAZING HEALTH ADVANCES You will NOT BE SORRY! http://www.amazinghealthadvances.com/subscribe As my way of thanking you for doing that, you and all new subscribers will receive (free of charge) the PDF e-book titled "Healed! Present Day Stories of Divine Healing and How It Happens" by Andy & Cathy Sanders. These are incredible and miraculous stories on healing, some of which have been written by some of our own Elijah List writers. You will receive the link to download this e-book in the welcome email you will receive within a few moments after you subscribe to "Amazing Health Advances", so make sure your email address is entered correctly! Let's get started! Again, to subscribe to AMAZING HEALTH ADVANCES, or go to: http://www.amazinghealthadvances.com/subscribe Steve Shultz, Founder, The Elijah List Breaking Christian News | Amazing Health Advances Direct to Your Inbox |  | News Staff Drugs to stop the breakdown of acetylcholine have been developed to fight dementia, but they often don't last long in the body and can be toxic to the liver. Natural extracts could be a safer treatment option, and some animal studies suggest that these extracts can improve cognition. (Washington, DC) — Dementia affects millions of people worldwide, robbing them of their ability to think, remember and live as they once did. In the search for new ways to fight cognitive decline, scientists report in ACS' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry that blueberry vinegar might offer some help. They found that the fermented product could restore cognitive function in mice. (Photo Credit: Flickr) Recent studies have shown that the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of dementia, have lower levels of the signaling compound acetylcholine and its receptors. Research has also demonstrated that blocking acetylcholine receptors disrupts learning and memory. Drugs to stop the breakdown of acetylcholine have been developed to fight dementia, but they often don't last long in the body and can be toxic to the liver. Natural extracts could be a safer treatment option, and some animal studies suggest that these extracts can improve cognition. Additionally, fermentation can boost the bioactivity of some natural products. So, Beong-Ou Lim and colleagues wanted to test whether vinegar made from blueberries, which are packed with a wide range of active compounds, might help prevent cognitive decline. To carry out their experiment... Read more here. | |
| Melissa Matthews – Newsweek [Newsweek] Nutritional epidemiologist Martha Clare Morris and her team at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago found that people who ate one to two servings of leafy green vegetables each day experienced fewer memory problems and cognitive decline compared to people who rarely ate spinach … continue reading here. Melissa Matthews – Newsweek (Photo Credit: Pixabay) | | | Lynn Allison "Folks who go through jets and airports do have a little higher risk of getting infectious things, including head colds and influenza, and the reason is just exposure to more people." — Dr. Catherine Forest [Newsmax Health] A record 107 million Americans will be traveling over the winter holidays – 6 million by plane alone, according to AAA. Experts say that travel, stress, and sleep loss wreak havoc with the immune system. (Photo Credit: Pexels) But there are steps you can take to keep your defenses up and stay healthy, if you're traveling … Read more here. | |
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