From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a bit of a sobering word...but one that has in-depth insight for this new year and beyond.
It is time for ALL the characteristics of God to be displayed for us to experience the fullness of His glory.
David Tomberlin shares this about 2018:
"...the Lord spoke to my heart, '2018 will be the year of Dominion.'
"I believe this year the Church, all together, will get in touch with both its feminine AND masculine side. When this happens, we will be have strong leaders and leadership, aggressive and proactive faith, and unapologetic preaching. "Taking the Kingdom by force" will surge and will happen as we step into our place of ruling and reigning. Authority will be reestablished."
Yes, it's time to come together as one...and that includes all the characteristics of the Lord being shown through us! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"The Year of Dominion and Rulership"
David Tomberlin, Pasadena, CA
Every year I take time to seek the Lord and ask for a message that will be an encouragement to Believers for the new year. This year, without even asking for a yearly word yet, the Lord spoke to my heart, "2018 will be the year of Dominion."
Let me preface this by saying, like all words, this word is for people who will believe it and act on it. Almost all words are subject to obedience, faith and a right heart. This word is no exception. Included in this message I also provide some prayer targets that I hope will be instructional as we enter the new year.
We Need All the Characteristics of God to Be Displayed
Dominion means to control or rule. It's where we get the words dominate or domicile from. I believe this is the year the Lord will release the rulership in the earth which the Lord has ordained for the Body of Christ. Jesus said that He has been given ALL authority in Heaven and on earth, and in the same way the Father sent Him, so He sent out His disciples. Jesus had all the authority there was to have, and He gave that to His disciples. I believe this year He is releasing the manifestation of that authority on earth to the Body of Christ.
"When dominion comes, judgment and grace come with a ferocity." |
I have noticed that many in the Church seem to avoid what I like to call the more "masculine" side of God: confronting, contending, ruling, rebuking and reigning. As a result, words like dominion, control or rulership can often be taken as negative or "religious". Don't get me wrong...the nurturing, gentle and tender characteristics of God are desperately needed! Yet there seems to be an imbalance with the Church capitalizing more on the softer attributes and allowing for only some aspects of the Personality and Person of the Lord to come through when there is much more to Him.
Jesus didn't have a confidence problem and He was God, in the flesh, with both masculine and feminine characteristics being manifested. I believe we shouldn't have a confidence problem either. We should boldly let all aspects of God's character shine through!
I believe this year the Church, all together, will get in touch with both its feminine AND masculine side. When this happens, we will be have strong leaders and leadership, aggressive and proactive faith, and unapologetic preaching. "Taking the Kingdom by force" will surge and will happen as we step into our place of ruling and reigning. Authority will be reestablished. (Photo via Pinterest)
I believe great boldness will come back to the Body of Christ and preachers will worry more about... (continue reading)