Intro by Stacey Campbell:
Janet Chambers is the founder of the New Zealand Prophetic Roundtable. She leads with a great deal of humility and maturity and her prophetic revelation is deep and rich. Janet has trained people all over the world in their prophetic gifts.
Janet and her husband, Wesley, have been the senior leaders of Living Waters Christian Centre, Christchurch, New Zealand for 26 years and have served on the executive board for New Life Churches International for over 7 years. She is now raising the level of the prophetic in New Zealand by gathering mature, seasoned prophets together to discern the corporate word of the Lord. You will be impacted and changed by the revelation the Lord shares with her. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Stacey Campbell
Founder and Facilitator of the Canadian Prophetic Council and co-founder, New Life Church, Kelowna, BC and Be A Hero
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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"A Vision of the Champagne of God"
Janet Chambers, Christchurch, NZ
I heard God saying: "I've poured out new wine, and you have experienced the new wine, but what I'm about to pour out is champagne." In a vision, I saw the Lord with a huge bottle of spiritual champagne, and He's shaking and shaking it and any minute now that cork is going to pop!
I knew He was speaking about "spiritual champagne" so I began to study the different characteristics between wine and champagne. I was stunned as I began to uncover some facts about champagne. We have been getting words about pressing and about shaking, and we've also had words about strengthening.
There are a lot of interesting things about champagne that have spiritual significance. There are international laws concerning the making of champagne which I'm going to share with you here.
1. The Grapes Have to be Hand-Picked
Prophetic word: You are hand-picked. The tender of the vineyard is going through, and He has hand-picked you.
"In the next move of God, we are going to see all of society dripping with wine." |
Those grapes are picked from very specific areas. Here in New Zealand and also in Australia, words keeps coming out about epicenters. God is forming epicenters all over the world, where His glory is about to be poured out in a new way. I believe there is a parallel with specific areas where the champagne grapes are grown and moves of God are coming from specific epicenters.
2. The Grapes Are Pressed Twice
There's a pressing twice with Champagne grapes because there's a fineness to this drink. There has been a strong sense of the pressing of the Lord in 2017 through circumstances. Many of us feel like, "God, I've had enough pressing and I've had enough shaking! There's been so much going on in my life; I felt like everything had come into alignment and then the pressure comes on again." But it's actually love. He is doing it because of what He knows is about to happen and what is about to be poured out.
3. It's Pressed in a Covered Environment
Champagne grapes can't be pressed just anywhere; they're pressed in a covered environment. All around the world, I am seeing a new sense of appreciation of covering. I'm seeing prophets coming together in companies of prophets. And there's protocols to the prophetic being written. I'm seeing evangelists gathering together and wanting to band together. There's covering, there's protection and there's appreciation for governance.
4. It Can Be Vintage or Non-Vintage
God is speaking about a move that will be multi-generational—vintage or non-vintage. It doesn't matter the age of the people concerned... (continue reading)