From the desk of Steve Shultz:
If you need some family healing and restoration...this word is for you!
I know many families, especially during the holiday season, deal with great it's not always "merry." But God loves family...after all, it was His first planting on the earth with Adam and Eve.
Julie Price of West Virginia shares this word for the new year:
As the Lord began to expand upon this phrase, "Standing on the edge of glory," He showed me just how violent the war on families has been—especially in 2017... The move of God that has begun to surface is all about family. Now, God is decreeing that 2018 is the year of family!
Yes, let's pray and decree restoration of families and for the prodigals to come home.
Enjoy! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"We're Standing On the Edge of Glory!"
Julie Price, Morgantown, WV
A few weeks back, I heard this phrase that God kept dropping into my spirit, "You're standing on the edge of glory." As I have taken time to ponder this with the Holy Spirit, I am beginning to understand much more deeply, just what He wanted me to convey.
Many respected prophets have already begun to confirm this to my heart as we have spoken, or they have already released words regarding 2018 being the year of family. I want to encourage you to follow up on the latest words regarding 2018 being the year of family and receive the promises of God that are coming for you! This word does confirm the year of family, but it will also expose the enemy's schemes against your family, in order that your destiny will not be aborted!
"Some of you need to quiet the voices around you and hear His heart for yourself and your families for the coming year." |
As the Lord began to expand upon this phrase, "Standing on the edge of glory," He showed me just how violent the war on families has been—especially in 2017. The enemy set out, primarily through a Jezebel, Leviathan, and Python spirit, an all-out assault upon families. His goal was to divide and conquer; to utterly destroy families at all costs and use any means to do it. The move of God that has begun to surface is all about family. Now, God is decreeing that 2018 is the year of family! So what does this have to do with His glory?
The Spirit of Elijah
The spirit of Elijah is coming like a blazing fire to set in families in order. You will see restoration in ways you could not imagine. But with restoration comes a tearing down and removal of anything that could keep Him from restoring all that is due to you.
We are standing on the edge of a glorious move of God that will bring throne room encounters and massive shifts, even in the way that ministry looks, as families emerge that have survived the fiery attempts of the enemy to destroy them.
The Lord has been showing us the DIRE NEED to expose the enemy's schemes to you. The enemy has sought to sneak in using the Word—even prophetic words—to try and derail you from your family, your promises, your ultimate call to ministry and your destiny. He wants you to give up after years of contending and believing that things concerning your family and destiny are never going to change, but it's a lie! The glory of God (His absolute goodness) is going to fall on many families. This holy fire will burn away all the chaff and set you ablaze for Him in the most powerful of ways. cannot take the... (continue reading)