From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I've been hearing stories lately of God doing a mighty work in families and relationships...and this includes a great deal of restoration. He is Good!
As challenging as 2017 was for many, it also offered us great opportunities for personal growth and drew us closer to Christ...and that will continue into 2018.
Kathi Pelton writes an excellent word about this and what the Lord showed her as we move into oneness with Him:
Corporate prayers, worship, and declaration will release spiritual authority and open up nations and people groups and set many free from the captivity of demonic forces. It is a time to both personally and corporately do only what we see Jesus doing.
As we finish the year, I pray you take time to spend with our Lord and draw closer to Him...and in turn...many will have the opportunity to be touched by His love, be restored, and be set free!
May 2018 be our most fruitful year yet! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"A Year of Fruitfulness and Multiplication"
Kathi Pelton, Portland, OR
We are entering into a time where we will see fruitfulness and multiplication. 2017 has been a year of purification and consecration; it has prepared us by ridding us of things that were not aligned with truth and breaking the patterns of the world off our lives.
Purification and Multiplication
The Spirit of the Lord led me to Genesis 35, where God commands Jacob to have his family give up all their foreign gods, purify themselves, and change their garments before settling into a new land. It is no coincidence that God has been doing the same thing in His family over the past year.
After Jacob and his family purified their lives, God moved them to a new land to settle and speaks these words to Jacob, "And God said to him, 'I am God Almighty; be fruitful and increase in number. A nation and a community of nations will come from you, and kings will be among your descendants'" (Genesis 35:11).
I hear these words being spoken once again. This is a key verse for 2018. We are a royal people and we will reproduce nations and kings. As we have allowed the purification and consecration to change our lives, authority comes upon us in new measures that we have not experienced before.
The condition of "infertility" is falling off the Body of Christ. We will be fruitful and we will multiply. A sign of this will be that many who have struggled to become pregnant will give birth to sons and daughters. These babies will have a "kingly" anointing on their lives that will carry great leadership and authority.
Oneness With Christ
Corporate prayers, worship, and declaration will release spiritual authority and open up nations and people groups and set many free from the captivity of demonic forces. It is a time to both personally and corporately do only what we see Jesus doing. (Photo via free images)
By grace, we have been clothed in... (continue reading)