From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Many are feeling that we are in a day and time of the Great Harvest with many miracles happening in our midst. There is much to look forward to in this new year...even as we continue to see things shake around us globally.
Mary Dorian shares an exciting word about us being in a time of "epic transition" and I know many of you are also sensing that too.
Mary shares here: A few days ago while visiting with someone in the hospital, I saw a sign which said, "We are in epic transition. Pardon us as we transition. Pardon our dust." The facility was obviously in the midst of expansion and so it is with us, God's people. Things are going to be different than they were. Transition can be messy, but the end result is that the new thing we have been waited for is becoming a reality.
I pray that in this new year, many of the promises you have been waiting for will become reality.
Be encouraged and enjoy this word! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"We Are in an Epic Transition"
Mary Dorian, Albuquerque, NM
A Vision of the Heavenly Realm
I saw a vision of the heavenly realm—so much activity. There were many angels in various array of dress with blueprints in hand. Many things were being readied and available for our use. I heard a voice say, "What are they waiting for?" I realized it was angelic hosts speaking to one another. They were speaking of what was available to break open on the earth and wanting the Body of Christ ready to act and move forward.
Psalm 16:6 Amplified says, "The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; yes, I have a good heritage." The shift we have anticipated has happened and we have been positioned for Kingdom use. Our willingness and boldness to move out is all that need be activated. God has done what only He could do.
Epic Transition
"I believe that the prophetic will not only be deeper and richer in revelation and accuracy with astounding details, but weightier in love." |
A few days ago while visiting with someone in the hospital, I saw a sign which said, "We are in epic transition. Pardon us as we transition. Pardon our dust." The facility was obviously in the midst of expansion and so it is with us, God's people. Things are going to be different than they were. Transition can be messy, but the end result is that the new thing we have been waited for is becoming a reality.
Think for a moment of how it might feel if you had been born and raised in a dark cave. Then one day, you were brought out of that cave and were able to stand in the full light of the sun. Your eyes would have to transition to see things in the light.
Colossians 1:13 Amplified version says, "The Father has delivered and drawn us to Himself, out of the control and dominion of darkness and has transferred and transitioned us into the Kingdom of the Son of His love."
We need to get used to seeing things differently. We need to get used to seeing multitudes healed by the laying on of our hands and the gift of healing being used by all those who love God and are in the family. It won't be just a few people healing the sick, but all of God's people doing this.
We need to get used to seeing demons subject to us in Jesus' name and people being set free from brokenness by the words of our mouth. We need to get used to our voices being heard in the halls of our government (Capitol, White House, Supreme Court, United Nations, etc.) as we prepare the way of the Lord, speaking the intent of His heart for the future.
We need to get used to being able to give to every good work. That whatever we put our hands to will prosper. We will see a sevenfold return for what has been stolen. No more dress rehearsals, my brothers and sisters. Lights, Camera, Action! The Holy Spirit is walking right with you. The lines have already fallen into those pleasant places. (Photo via Unsplash)
Great Gatherings and Miracles!
I saw the winds blowing from the North, South, East and West...gathering together the people of God from all over the world. I was seeing the manifestation of the... (continue reading)