From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I sure enjoy reading through Steve Porter's writings...they are always in depth, full of wisdom and carry messages of greater intimacy with our Lord.
Steve Porter and this Steve (me) have something in common...we both had the same spiritual father, Wade Taylor! I sure miss Wade, as he went home to be with the Lord a few years ago. But his legacy lives on through his daughter Nancy and in Steve Porter, and many others who Wade impacted as well!
More and more prophetic voices have said that we are on the verge of a great awakening across the globe and I appreciate Steve Porter putting this article together about some incredible "fathers in the faith" who have gone before us...and how their lives will impact us today:
Today, rather than one Daniel Nash, the Holy Spirit is raising up a company of like-minded Believers who know how to passionately pray until breakthrough comes and lingers indefinitely, ushering in the last great harvest of souls. They are praying for a next great awakening and they will see it!
Read this word by Steve Porter and let it help prepare you for this next great awakening! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

"Father Nash, Praying Hyde, Rees Howell & the Coming Awakening"
Steve Porter, Rochester, NY
The Place of a Great Father - Mighty in Prayer
Once, not long ago, on a dark, rainy day, I made my way over wet ground to a very special place. A chill made me tremble as the cold rain pelted my skin, drenching me to the bone. But still I walked, eager to get to my destination—the very place where Father Daniel Nash's church once stood. Though his name may be unfamiliar to most, he was born in 1775 and, at age forty, he began to minister for six years as a preacher in upstate New York, where he saw great revival twice during that short period of time. It's said that he didn't trust in his own spoken words or cleverly-written sermons to change the hearts of listeners but knew that only prevailing prayer would summon the presence of the Holy Spirit to transform the culture of the day.
Unfortunately at age forty-three, he was voted out of his church by a vote of nine to three, because they were annoyed by his frequent travels to preach and they let him go in favor of a younger man. But with a humble heart, he continued to serve the people there, filling the pulpit when needed and seeing many people saved because of his fervent, prevailing prayer. It was noted that he was very damaged with pain by how he was treated and had little hope of doing much for the Kingdom after, but God had a greater plan!
A few years later, God laid on Father Nash's heart the need for a forerunner to intercede before and during the revival meetings held by Evangelist Charles Finney. In fact, he would often go several days before the beginning of a revival, locate an out-of-the-way tiny, dark and damp space to rent, find two or three like-minded individuals, and begin to fast and pray, groaning in the spirit for hours and days at a time. It's said that a holy light lit the dim space, making it a powerful place to intercede and believe God would move as never before.
A monument of his image and name stands on the front step of where...(continue reading)