From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Wendy Alec is a very gifted and prolific writer...she is so "in-tune" with the Father's heart for His children...and writes such endearing messages straight from His heart to YOURS.
Believe me, you are going to want to read this prophetic word of the Lord...and share it with others who've waited patiently for their promises to manifest.
I think many of you will relate to this word as Wendy shares from the life of Joseph:
None of us, until we reach Heaven, will know or understand the seasons Joseph must have gone through. Imagine, he was promised that his gift of dream interpretation would be remembered and mentioned before Pharaoh, but then that promise was forgotten...
Many of us find ourselves in similar situations, presently standing on, or clinging on, what feels like our last breath. We're walking, one foot in front of the other, each day wondering: "Is this the day? Is this the day of release when all God's promises and suddenlies will manifest?"
But let me just tell you...your suddenlies in God's perfect timing are coming!
Be highly encouraged in this prophetic word straight from God's heart to yours! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

"Like Joseph, Your 'Suddenly Time of Destiny' is Coming"
Wendy Alec, London, UK
When Joseph was in Prison
None of us, until we reach Heaven, will know or understand the seasons Joseph must have gone through. Imagine, he was promised that his gift of dream interpretation would be remembered and mentioned before Pharaoh, but then that promise was forgotten. He had to continue on with no idea how long he would stay confined in captivity. This was already after he had been thrown into the pit by his brothers. His multicolored coat was a gift from his father, signifying the incredible and huge destiny on his life—his God-given and ordained mantle.
Many of us find ourselves in similar situations, presently standing on, or clinging on, what feels like our last breath. We're walking, one foot in front of the other, each day wondering: "Is this the day? Is this the day of release when all God's promises and suddenlies will manifest?"
Then, waking up in the morning and once again, the captivity is still there. So we cry out to God for His infinite grace. We cry out to the Father for more courage and for more strength to face (and continue walking through) those things in our lives. Things in the natural are threatening to crush our souls, yet, we walk one more step and take one more deep breath. (Photo via Unsplash)
But today, oh such beloved hearts, I hear the Father saying:
I Have Heard Your Cries
"Oh beloved, beloved struggling one, your cries have reached My altar. They have rent the heavens and as I look down upon your weary heart, Heaven is filled with uproarious joy.
"Dust off the... (continue reading)