From the desk of Jenn Loewen:
Here at the Elijah List, we see a lot of great prophetic words coming through which encourage and edify the Body of Christ. This one in particular struck me, as it was given in more of a foundational teaching style.
I love this latest word by Amber Picota. She takes the time to explain the difference between the office of a prophet and being prophetic as she shares:
The gifts of the Spirit can be found in 1 Corinthians 12. The gift of prophecy is one of 9 of those gifts. A more accurate translation would actually be: "manifestations of Holy Spirit" rather than gifts of the Holy Spirit, because these are 9 different ways that Holy Spirit can and will manifest through you. These are things the Spirit will DO THROUGH YOU. It's not by your own ability. Imagine Holy Spirit putting you on like a glove and doing something through you. Pretty cool, huh?
Pretty cool, huh? I pray this word encourages you and brings some clarity for you as well. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Jenn Loewen
Assistant Editor, The Elijah List
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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"Prophet or Prophetic?"
Amber Picota, Winchester, VA
The more I teach on the gifts of the Spirit found in 1 Corinthians 12, the more I realize that there is a lot of confusion that exists amongst Charismatic and Pentecostal Believers about prophecy, the gift of prophecy, and especially the office of the Prophet. If it's not someone claiming to be a prophet, it's someone completely disrespecting and disregarding the office of the Prophet as "not for today". I would like to help the Body of Christ out by unpacking this a little and explaining in a way that will be clear and interesting.
"Prophets are, specifically, GIFTS given from God to the Body of Christ in order to equip the Body to hear God's voice." |
As you can see from the diagram below, I am going to go into detail about 3 things that are very commonly mixed up: the ability for anyone to hear the voice of God, the gift of prophecy, and the office of the Prophet. (Photo via Amber Picota)

Anyone Can Hear God Speak
Yes you're reading correctly, ANYONE can hear God's voice. I'm hearing so many stories of people who became devoted Believers after having actual encounters with Jesus in their dreams. God can choose to speak to anyone. Most people just don't know what to listen for. Some people already hear Holy Spirit speak, they just write it off as a coincidence or intuition.
5 Ways God Commonly Speaks to People:
1. Scripture. Yes, God speaks through the Bible, but not ONLY through the Bible.
2. Dreams. Many times this is one of the only times when some people are still enough to actually hear God speak. Through dreams, God most often speaks metaphorically through parables of the night, however some dreams can even be a literal prophecy of an event that will take place. Dream interpretation is something that you can learn over time, as you record your dreams and seek an interpretation from experienced dream interpreters and more importantly, Holy Spirit.
3. Audibly. As we know from Scripture, God spoke to Samuel audibly (1 Samuel 3) and Eli helped him figure out what was going on. I personally haven't heard the audible voice of God but God does still speak this way today.
4. Still small voice. This is the one that many...(continue reading)