From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I have always been grateful that I took my "advanced prophetic training" through Bishop Bill Hamon and his ministry, Christian International.
Bishop Hamon is not only a great prophet of God, but he is a FIRE-STARTER.
When Bishop prophesies things, they just begin to happen. What many don't realize about the prophetic is...that is just exactly how it works.
We prophesy and God, in effect, "Backs our act."
But never has this been more true in our New Testament era than through Bishop Bill Hamon.
You're going to love this Word. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"2018: The Glorious New Beginning"
Bishop Bill Hamon, Santa Rosa Beach, Florida
For those who are co-laboring with Christ Jesus, it is going to be a glorious and prosperous year. It will be like the original Day of Pentecost, "Suddenly they were endued with power" by the Holy Spirit. Isaiah 60:3 is also being activated as a commission to the Church as we enter the "Dispensation of the fullness of the times" (Eph. 1:10, Rev. 10:7). Now, delay shall be no longer, but all the mysteries and prophecies that the prophets have spoken shall be revealed and fulfilled.
In 2018, the Church will begin to "arise and shine" as they receive the new empowerment and start revealing and demonstrating the glory of the Lord. For the wicked of the world and the lukewarm in the Church—it will be a year of darkness and fearful anticipations. The true followers of Christ Jesus will know how to appropriate the new thing that God will begin in 2018. They will fulfill God's purpose in this appointed time. God is activating the time for the knowledge of the glory of the Lord to begin filling the earth as the waters cover the sea (Hab. 2:14; Nu. 14:21; Ez. 12:26-27; 1 Thess. 5:4-8).
Prophetic Significance of Certain Years that End with "7" and the Next Year "8"
• 7-8: "7" is the number signifying fullness, fulfillment and completion. God completed the creation in 6 days, rested on the 7th, and began a new ministry on the 8th. The 7 days completed His work of creating all things, including man. The 8th day started God's new ministry of working with mankind on earth.
• Jesus was resurrected on the 8th day of the week, (Saturday=7th; Sunday=8th; Jesus began the Church Age on 8th day.)
• 1517-1518: Martin Luther nailed his 95 Arguments against the Dark Age Church on the door of his church on Oct. 31, 1517, which completed the time of the Dark Age Church. 1518 started the age or time-period of the Restoration of the Church called the "Second Reformation".
"Christian International and all ministries who are co-laboring with Jesus Christ to fulfill His present purpose will have their most glorious year ever in 2018." |
• 2007-2008: The Saints Movement was birthed in 2007 and prepared the way of Heaven's decree for the beginning of "The Third and Final Church Reformation" in 2008.
• 1987-1988: Christian International had the first ever recorded in church history "Prophets Conference" in 1987 on a Wednesday night, after I had preached about the "great company of prophets" that God wanted to raise up in our day, and great intercession swept over the 700 saints present. It was the travailing labor pains for the birthing of the company of prophets. But it was the second prophets conference in 1988 that the Prophetic Movement was birthed. (Complete details are given in pages 88-100 in the book "Prophets and the Prophetic Movement".)
• 1947-1948: William Branham was launched as a prophet ministering with supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit in 1947. The following year, "The Latter Rain" movement was launched in 1948. Part of their revelation restoration teaching was that there are still Apostles and Prophets in the Church today. (Evangelical dispensationalists taught that they had been depleted from the Church.)
• 2007-2008: The Saints Movement in 2007 closed out the period of the Second Reformation and prepared the way for the Third Reformation to be launched in 2008. (Photo via Wikipedia)
• 1947-1948: Oral Roberts was launched in 1947 as an evangelist with the "laying on of hands" for healing. In 1948, T. L. Osborne was launched in evangelism with mass miracles. At that time, hundreds of evangelists arose with miracle ministries throughout the world. It became known as "Deliverance Evangelism." These two 1948 movements were two separate restoration streams which never merged in their day.
These years began five decades that... (continue reading)