From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is one powerful word from our friend Ella Onakoya about rebuilding walls and gates this year.
Do we have any Nehemiahs out there called to rebuild where there's been your nation and region? This very in-depth and detailed word is for Ella opens with this prophetic exhortation:
A few months ago, the Lord gave me a series of dreams which were messages for the Body of Christ. There is an urgent call to rebuild walls and gates that have broken down in lives within the Church and the nations. God is on course to mantle and release Believers who, like Nehemiah, will rebuild these walls. These are a company of people who will stand—battle ready—and build defense lines against that which seeks to take their destinies and their lands captive. Angelic reinforcements are being released to work alongside these builders. God's glory will garrison and surround what is being built that it might endure.
God is going to equip you for every good work AND bring the right people and connections to rebuild where He places you! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"A Heavenly Call for Nehemiahs: Rebuild the Walls and Gates and Establish Battle Lines!"
Ella Onakoya, London, United Kingdom
A few months ago, the Lord gave me a series of dreams which were messages for the Body of Christ. There is an urgent call to rebuild walls and gates that have broken down in lives within the Church and the nations. God is on course to mantle and release Believers who, like Nehemiah, will rebuild these walls. These are a company of people who will stand—battle ready—and build defense lines against that which seeks to take their destinies and their lands captive. Angelic reinforcements are being released to work alongside these builders. God's glory will garrison and surround what is being built that it might endure.
A Dream of a House Without a Wall
In the first dream I had, I saw a beautiful house with a missing wall. However, the occupant of this house did not seem to see this missing wall and was very content with her beautiful abode. Concerned, I told her that her wall was missing, but she still could not see it and remained content. I woke up from the dream to intercede for this woman and I decreed that... (continue reading)