From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I LOVE it when Jennifer Eivaz prophesies.
She gets it!
Well, all of our prophets do, but Jennifer has a distinct gift to both "get it" and "teach it". She also keeps it short and to the point...the way most people NEED IT.
And to that end, I'm keeping this intro short.
Enjoy 2018, my friends. God is on the move! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"2018 is a Year to Discern, Deliver, Restore and Recover"
Jennifer Eivaz, Turlock, CA
As I look back over 2017, it definitely proved to be a reset year as so many prophets foretold. It was also a recompense year and what seemed to be an "anything you want" kind of year. I believe this prophetic current is still very active as we enter into 2018. For that reason, you will see many diverse prophetic words being released in the coming days. It's not prophetic disunity, but more like a prophetic bounty being released all in God's timing and purposes—and in response to the hope-filled prayers of His people.
"You are being reinstated. Honor is being returned to you." |
One of the strongest directives I personally received for 2017 was to pray this verse over myself and to encourage others to do the same: "Create in me a clean heart, O God..." (Ps. 51:10).
Watching Out for the Glory Stealer
As I prayed into this, the Holy Spirit began to speak to me about pride and especially about the spirit of Leviathan. Leviathan is a spirit principality, also known as the king of pride. Job 41 describes it in detail, starting out by asking, "Can you draw out Leviathan with a hook...?" and ending with "He beholds every high thing; he is king over all the children of pride" (v. 1, 34 NKJV). Pride is an attitude, but it is also a spirit. This spirit wants altitude and seeks to invade the high places. It wants to infect people in the high places because it is a glory stealer. It steals the glory that should go to Jesus Christ.
People infected by Leviathan will act higher, better and more superior than you. They will have a high-and-mighty attitude. They will fight unusually hard to be right, at your expense. James 4:6 says God resists the proud, but He honors the humble. Luke 14:11 says He actually exalts the humble. God wants His humble people in the high places, not those people who are ruled by pride.
As I watched this spirit emerge in some around me, He taught me how to "go low" in situations that I much preferred to rise up. He said, "You can't fight pride with pride. You have to fight pride with humility. You have to fight pride on your knees." This is much easier said than done as those aligned to Leviathan will exhibit very similar behavior.
In a nutshell, once the spirit of pride has surfaced, the person is no longer reasonable, rational, or even reachable. Pride hardens the heart and imprisons the mind with falsely elevated thinking. Pride resists counsel. Pride resists the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Pride causes crazy strife, which is the knife that kills relationships and ministries.
We have to get the pride out. The Bible shows us that a heart hardened with pride can't see or discern the Spirit of the Lord. Pride not dealt with will... (continue reading)