From the desk of Steve Shultz:
While Johnny is one of my favorite prophetic voices, can I just tell you that he is a bit "edgy" at times when he writes?
But, be sure to read IT ALL. Sometimes, you need to read the first part that makes you go, "What?" But then you need to read the last part of what he is saying that can cause you to say, "Oh, I get what he is saying now!"
Johnny Enlow is uniquely gifted to bring discipline to wrong-thinking in the Church, but it will do well for you to read his words CLOSELY...because just when you think you know what he is saying, realize he is also saying something different than you first thought. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
With that (smiling)...
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"2018: A Time of War and Victories"
Johnny Enlow, Santa Clarita, CA
2017 has been a year that has exceeded every projection of disruption. A year ago I wrote a word entitled "Trumpquake" that described the upheaval that Trump's presidency would usher in—ensuing tsunami waves of change. If anything, that word understated what actually has become reality.
2017 in Review
The first full year of Donald Trump as President shook seemingly everything that could be shaken. A most sensational war has been engaged with the dominant media all year, with no truce coming from either side. "Fake news" and "alternative facts" are now household concepts and realities. Also, an overall vicious, political atmosphere was in effect for the entire year.
We have also had very extreme weather patterns, as creation seemingly caught itself up in the turmoil of everything. Many severe weather stories became relegated as compared to the three big storms—Harvey, Irma and Maria—that each in its own way was a historical hurricane, which I have previously covered. Interestingly enough in Zechariah 9:14 it says (emphasis mine):
"Then the Lord will appear over them; His arrow will flash like LIGHTNING. The Sovereign Lord will sound the TRUMP and He will march in the storms of the south."
The Hebrew word for the word "lightning" is "baraq." It is no coincidence that this verse speaks of a time where the Lord intervenes with "baraq" (or Barack), and then that He would sound the "trump" (or Trump) and march in the storms and hurricanes of the south. God is neither Trump nor the hurricanes, but He is sounding the "Trump" and He has marched IN on the hurricanes of the south. Put together the first letter of each storm and you have HIM. In the seeming mayhem of it all, He is there.
In 2017 we also experienced an almost unprecedented total, solar eclipse that carried its own message. Then we had a constellation assignment so unique that again, the "doom and gloomers" came out of the woodwork with another false, prophetic narrative. All these events and phenomenons were significant and telling of a special day, but it was all about Kingdom of God advancement and not kingdom of darkness advancement.
Somehow, each of these "once-in-a-lifetime events" seemingly paled in comparison with the... (continue reading)