Intro from Julie A. Smith:
When I saw the title of Kim Potter's latest article...I was thoroughly intrigued, as I am a runner and marathoner.
Running has taught me many life lessons about endurance and our ability to strengthen and stretch ourselves beyond our own capacity.
As I read through Kim's word, I thought about the last marathon I ran with many obstacles along the way. The last 6 miles had a steady incline uphill along with heavy winds and rains adding to the incline! That marathon taught me endurance in the long run and the Lord gave me this valuable lesson that day, "Don't focus on the obstacles, focus on the finish line."
He has a finish line for us all to fulfill with a banner of great victory. I remember the verse the Lord gave for that run day: "May we shout for joy when we hear of your victory and raise a victory banner in the name of our God. May the LORD answer all your prayers." (Psalm 20:5).
Kim shares this awesome confirming exhortation here:
It's your destiny and God has equipped you to not only run the race with endurance, but to finish the race with victory. To God be all the glory.
As you read through Kim's word...may you run your destiny with great endurance and victory! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Julie A. Smith, Managing Editor
Elijah List Publications
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"Running Your Race – with Endurance and Victory"
Kim Potter, Dayton, TN
It has been quite a while since I had a dream from the Lord. But recently, upon waking, I knew this one was a game changer.
A Marathon Dream
In the dream I saw an entire city preparing for an upcoming marathon. The greatest runners in the country had come to participate and I understood that this race was drawing those who were the fastest and possessed great endurance.
A large crowd had gathered to watch as the runners lined up at the starting line. I wanted to participate, but because I had not run a marathon in many years, I decided I would walk it. I lined up with all the other walkers who were positioned at the back behind the runners.
The gun went off and the front runner shot off, leading the race. Bringing up the rear were all the walkers and I was walking with them. But, this was not an ordinary marathon. The race course went from city to city and thousands were running it.
Suddenly, a wind came up behind me. It overtook me and I began to run. Not only did I run, but in mere seconds, I was running alongside the leader of the race. We were running so fast that we were passing vehicles. We were running at a supernatural speed much like Elijah as he ran ahead of King Ahab's chariot (1 Kings 18:46).
There was no effort, no sweating and no labor in the run. It seemed to be literally effortless as if something else was carrying us.
While the beginning of the marathon took place on the interstate, the course then shifted after a while and took us through woods, up steep hills and over rough terrain. Along the route, there were several things that tried to hinder or create fear. At one point, I carried a small child—a baby. However, I continued to run without effort up the hill even with the baby in my arms.
As I ran, I glanced behind me and saw a brown bear following us closely. It seemed to want us to think it was not following us, even though it most assuredly was following and meant...(continue reading)