From the desk of Steve Shultz:
In life, it's rare to find a man or woman who is completely and utterly "sold out" to the purposes of God. Yet it's my privilege to know a good number of them personally.
Each one is completely unique. Each one has paid the severe price to become the man or woman of God that we see today.
One of my favorite such persons is LOU ENGLE. Every single time I hear him speak or read his writings, I'm in awe at his listening ear, his dedicated life, his love for the Body of Christ, and his ZEAL for the Church in America!
And Lou is on fire and so zealous for LIFE and is against ABORTION! In short, Lou Engle remains a Hero in the Faith to me.
You've got to read this story and discover how God is leading Lou in this next season on behalf of the Body of Christ.
Do you love the prophetic? Then this story is about to amaze you! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"God Showed Me: It's Time for the Latter Rain"
Lou Engle, Colorado Springs, CO
Personally, I feel that I am in the time for which I was born. I'm convinced that we have only a short window in the days of President Trump for the greatest revival and awakening in America's history. Without it, I see no future for America. We must seize our divine moment.
Years ago, in the 90s, I experienced a prophetic swirl that I believe is pointing to a specific time of fulfillment. I woke up one morning with an intense desire to read two books that were very dear to me: Rain From Heaven by Arthur Wallis, the father of the Charismatic Movement in England, and Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting, by Derek Prince. The catalyst of that desire was a specific chapter in Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting, titled "Fasting Precipitates the Latter Rain." I looked feverishly for those two books but I had either lost them or given them away. For a whole day I experienced groanings of the Spirit, praying that I might find those books. I wanted confirmation that a movement of fasting would precede the latter rain revival.
God Confirms His Promise
"It's time to shape history with prayer and fasting." |
That night I was scheduled to speak in Lancaster, California. Before the service I was preparing in Pastor Joe Sweet's office when he suddenly rose from his desk, walked to his bookshelf, and called me over. He reached down and pulled off his shelf the book Rain From Heaven and said, "I think you're looking for this book." It was shock and awe! I knew God was confirming His promise. The following morning I was teaching a prophetic class. One of the students came in and said, "Mr. Engle, I was down at the Anaheim Vineyard this morning and a man shouted, 'I know you are going to see Lou Engle today. Give him this book Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting...he's searching for it.'"
God does not bring these kinds of whirlwinds simply to entertain us. He was shouting: "There's coming a time for the outpouring of the latter rain and you must pray and fast to give birth to it!" The Scripture commands us in Zechariah 10:1, "Pray for the rain in the time of the latter rain..." but how do we know when it's time?
Joel chapter 2 gives us the paradigm for recognizing these times and seasons. Joel's prophecy is set in the context of the utter destruction of the economic system of Israel due to the nation's spiritual apostasy. The prophet gives God's prescription to the crisis... (continue reading)