From the desk of Steve Shultz:
There is a resounding word coming from many prophetic voices this year...and that word is "HARVEST" across the nations of the earth.
I enjoy when our writers share about their prophetic journey with the you can see Him moving in the midst of His children.
This is a bit longer, so I will let you get right to reading it. I'll end this with what Nathan Johnston shares about the rising Bride:
What does this harvest mean for the Body of Christ? I see the Bride of Christ looking more like Jesus, rising from the ashes of religion and breaking free from orphan and slavery mindsets into her Blood-purchased identity as sons and daughters of God. I see the Body of Christ coming out of being milk drinking babes into meat eating chasers of God. I see this is is a season of rapid growth and a quickening in the hearts of God's people to increase in our understanding of who we are. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Prophesy Harvest and Blow the Trumpet of Jubilee!"
Nate Johnston, Gold Coast, Australia
On the 10th of October, we were in Washington DC when I had a dream where the Lord said to me, "Prophesy HARVEST and blow the trumpet of JUBILEE!" This really grabbed my attention because prior to flying over to the United States only a week earlier, God began speaking to us about the billion soul harvest prophesied by Bob Jones years ago. My wife and me both had a strong sensing that the Church was crossing over into a time of harvest that would be unlike any other time in history. As we entered the new Jewish year of 5778, I had an understanding it would be the beginning of the harvest of all harvests.
These two keywords have continued to ring loud and clear in my spirit for 2018, and I pray these following words encourage you to grab hold of the breakthrough available in this exciting time in the Body of Christ!
Hands Off My Harvest!
Harvest: The time or season of gathering the fruit of what has been planted. Prior to this dream on the 10th, we had arrived in LA to see friends and attended a harvest festival. All day long Christy and I kept seeing 911 everywhere and knew it was a call to prayer. That afternoon, as we were praying Christy felt to pray: "Nothing will rob the coming harvest! Hands off satan!"
Within hours on that day, we heard about... (continue reading)