From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Being an internet guy and having an online ministry...I can totally relate to this article by Alane Haynes.
It's clever and deep...and I believe straight from the heart of God.
Alane shares here:
I have been experiencing "glitches" in many things lately, particularly electronics, and have had to create new connections, re-sets and re-boots! I started to wonder if there was a connection in all of this. I know when things around me are recurring there is something God is trying to tell me...I asked the Lord about this and what I am hearing is that God is re-setting our connections. This is necessary as He is setting His apostolic order in place. We will need to have our connections re-set.
It is a time to reboot and reset our system with the Lord..and you'll read about this and more in great detail.
Be encouraged and get ready for new "connections" He is bringing our way. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"New Connections, Re-Set and Re-Boot!"
Alane Haynes, San Diego, CA
Glitches in My System
I have been experiencing "glitches" in many things lately, particularly electronics, and have had to create new connections, re-sets and re-boots! I don't know about you, but when my electronics malfunction, even for a very short time, I tend to go into panic mode and fear sets in. This is what the enemy wants, but God wants us to look to Him for everything. First, it was the router needing to be reset. Then it was my phone not connecting to the Blue-tooth in my car. My car is 12 years old and this has never happened before. I tried all the things I knew to do, but eventually had to reset Blue-tooth in my car to link with my phone.
"Holy Spirit is saying that He is leading us into new arenas and new connections are necessary. It is time to connect to new people for the Body of Christ to grow in exponential ways." |
Most recently it was the wireless receiver for my keyboard. I went through many different troubleshooting tactics, changed all the batteries, reset all the connections and rebooted the computer, etc. I prayed over my computer because I did not want the aggravation to continue, nor did I want to have to take time out of my day to go to an electronics store and buy a replacement! I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to try another USB port and it worked! The other port had become faulty for some reason and once I put the USB into another port, and re-set all the connections, it worked fine.
I started to wonder if there was a connection in all of this. I know when things around me are recurring there is something God is trying to tell me. It was not until I began writing this that I realized my car was 12 (apostolic) years old, which represents apostolic government. I asked the Lord about this and what I am hearing is that God is re-setting our connections. This is necessary as He is setting His apostolic order in place. We will need to have our connections re-set.
Time to Have Our Connections Re-Set
We may have been doing many things by rote, but this is a new season. There is a new level of warfare and we will need a tighter connection with Him. I had recently been feeling a great need to connect on an even deeper level with Him! I had been very busy with ministry and trying to finalize my newest book, but needed to feel a stronger connection with Him. The old is never going to be enough. I need more and more of Him to keep moving forward. I sense that many are experiencing this, because He is drawing us deeper. Deeper intimacy is necessary to walk in greater authority! One with Him, He will bring forth the Kingdom through us!
What I am hearing through all of this is that the old way of doing things isn't going to work anymore. We have to be freshly connected to Him and it may require doing things differently in this season. We may need to push the "re-set" button (spending more time seeking Him, more time reading the Word, more time praying in the spirit, etc.) It is also time to ask the Lord if it is time to disconnect from current activities, people or things that are hindering our connection to Him or where He wants to take us. I hear the Lord saying that He has brought an increase in our level of discernment so that we can use wisdom and move in His timing!
We can't access new territories using the same strategies as before! Even things we learned spiritually along the way may not work in this season. We have the mind of Christ, but we also have the mind of the flesh, and have to choose each moment to press in to the Spirit of Christ and see what the Father is saying to us in the moment. We can remind ourselves of how faithful God has been in the past, but He wants to do a new thing so that we expand into new territories! (Photo via Unsplash)
"'For My thoughts [are] not your thoughts, nor [are] your ways My ways,' says the LORD. 'For [as] the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.'" (Isaiah 55:8-9 NKJV)
"This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or...(continue reading)