From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I sure enjoy reading about others' testimonies and "how" they affected their region by being proactive in their local communities.
This is one such word by Diane Lake that will spur you be active in your areas...especially your school districts.
This is both prophetic, miraculous, and practical as Diane shares with us just how her and her husband served and saw great change in their area.
One point Diane shares is this: It's important to ask the Lord for strategy for your particular area and schools.
Now, I will let you read the rest of the powerful keys and instructions of how YOU too, can get involved in your area!
Enjoy, be blessed and empowered to make a big impact right where you're at! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Responding to Human Loss and Tragedy: Leadership Through Prayer"
Diane Lake, Missoula, MT
Intercession Includes Action
Some of you may know that my husband and I serve as Regional and Montana coordinators for the Reformation Prayer Network. Network leaders Mike and Cindy Jacobs have recently said the network needs to be more proactive in light of events like the recent school shooting in Florida. Specifically, we need to do more than simply pray in the aftermath of events of such human loss and tragedy. While this article is a slightly different style than I would normally write, I want to share some personal testimony of how the Lord has directed us concerning involvement in our local school. My hope is that it will help us all to be proactive in our local regions and schools!
First, I feel led to share that the Lord gave me a word last September that the period from about October 14 through February 14 was going to be one of the most difficult times so far. So it was with a heavy heart that I realized that the date of this recent shooting fell on the last day within this period. I shared this in an article in which I also wrote how the Lord showed me there was a redemptive purpose in all the shaking, as it would cause the saints to take increased possession of the cultural mountains. (Of course public schools are within the Education Mountain.)
"Even non-believers recognize that if God healed once, He can do it again... go God!" |
Intercession is more than just prayer – it includes action. Jesus was our example for this. Isaiah 53:12 says, "... He was numbered with the transgressors, and He bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors." Jesus didn't just pray for us – He died for us. Part of intercession is being willing to act sacrificially to do what others are unable to do for themselves.
Ask For Strategy – Be Motivated By Love
It's important to ask the Lord for strategy for your particular area and schools. We started by contacting Christian teachers in our school who understood the importance of prayer. Through our connections with them, we were able to lead prayer teams through the halls of the school on multiple occasions. This was done covertly, of course, but with teachers as part of the team it can be done. Again, with teacher participation, we've prayed around the buildings and grounds and through parking lots.
Another significant avenue is to volunteer. The Lord led my husband to run for the school board, and he was able to serve for 4 years in this capacity. At one point when the curriculum was up for review, he questioned why Planned Parenthood was giving presentations in the health education classes. "Because they always have," was the answer given.
He suggested that the health teacher (who had a master's degree) could present the same information, and together we led an effort to remove Planned Parenthood's involvement in our school. To do this, we united Believers of all faiths across the spectrum – Catholics, Mormons, Baptists, Fundamentalists, and Charismatics. The Lord also gave me a platform for speaking and a written testimony, so together with my husband's board position and overwhelming community support – we won! (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
The Lord showed us that Planned Parenthood's removal from our school was important for several reasons. School shootings such as this recent one, are linked to spirits of violence and death, even murder. As abortion providers and aggressors in promoting deviant immoral behavior, Planned Parenthood...(continue reading)