From the desk of Steve Shultz:
We're posting two articles together by Dutch Sheets and the other by Jennifer LeClaire.
Many have heard that our friend Dutch just finished a huge event last week in Washington DC called the "Turnaround" and many are believing for a great turnaround NOW over our nation.
CBN just interviewed Dutch Sheets about this and we wanted to share the phenomenal prophetic words he shares from it such as:
"There's another level of intercession, prophetic declaration, kingly intercession, making decrees for Him that is going to now launch us into what we've been asking for, for 25, 30 years: a Third Great Awakening in America, another great awakening around the world. And I believe the greatest harvest in history begins now," Sheets asserted.
Also Jennifer LeClaire sent us a recent word about power intercessors and says:
I believe God is mantling intercessors with power in this season. I prophesied previously about how God is mantling intercessors with boldness. I believe that boldness is necessary to step out in confidence and release the power of God, not just in the prayer closet but in the highways and byways of the nations.
I encourage you to read through these two awesome articles and let's believe for not only a great turnaround in our nation(s) but for power intercessors rising up in mighty authority through prayer to see the biggest harvest of souls into the Kingdom! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Dutch Sheets: The Amazing 'Influx of Souls' America is About to Witness"
Breaking Christian News
Sheets believes God is now saying to the nation, "'I need to use what I used to birth you to re-birth you. Because America needs a re-birth.' We have to have an awakening and a restoration. And I think He's saying to us, 'What I used then is what I'll use now: prayer. If you'll appeal to Me, you can turn this nation around.'"
(Washington, DC)—[CBN News] Internationally-known evangelist Dutch Sheets is bringing word to the nation's capital that a turnaround is coming that will lead to a worldwide harvest of billions of souls.
"We are about to see the greatest influx of souls in history," Sheets told CBN News in an exclusive interview.
Just before the February 22-24 Turnaround Conference began at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, Sheets explained what's led to such an audacious prediction.
10 Months of Turmoil, 3 Years of Turnaround
He said his frequent ministry partner Chuck Pierce prophesied back in April, "10 months of turmoil before breakthrough came. And then it'd be three years of turnaround for America."
These last 10 months certainly have seen all sorts of turmoil—political upheaval, hurricanes, fires, floods and more. But Sheets said now's the time for God's people to push for the promised turnaround.
"There's another level of intercession, prophetic declaration, kingly intercession, making decrees for Him that is going to now launch us into what we've been asking for, for 25, 30 years: a Third Great Awakening in America, another great awakening around the world. And I believe the greatest harvest in history begins now," Sheets asserted.
Time to Fly the "Appeal To Heaven" Flag Again
He spoke about the need to reignite the Appeal to Heaven movement: a time when the Founding Fathers acknowledged they couldn't break away from Britain and become a free nation without God's aid. So they flew flags saying "Appeal to Heaven" during the Revolutionary War.
Sheets explained, "Our founders knew there was no way they could defeat the British unless God intervened: 'if He's in this, we can win. If He's not, this is laughable.' So they said 'we're going to appeal to Heaven.' They actually put the phrase in the Declaration at the end. They laid out their case and said 'so we appeal to the Supreme Judge of the universe.'"
And during the war, Sheets said, "They put this flag-'Appeal to Heaven'-over the battlefields, over the ships. People don't know it, but our nation was born under a prayer movement-Appeal to Heaven. And, of course, we prevailed by the grace of God." (Screengrab: via CBN News)
Sheets believes God is now saying to the nation... (continue reading)