Dear Parents , I can't believe that we have reached the end of this term already. Thank you to all the children for their wonderful performances in the Key Stage 2 Church service last night, the Nativity from Rec/Year1/Year 2 and the lovely singing from the Nursery child ren. I hope parents enjoyed coming to join in with our celebrations and seeing how fantastic the children are. A huge thank you must go to all of the staff at St Martin's for leading these wonderful celebrations. I received an email this morning from Maggi e Eldridge - Mrotzek, who is a Senior Advisor at the Education Department who came to see the performance last night. She said: the pupils were a credit to themselves, parents and staff. They were extremely enthusiastic and delivered an exciting and memorabl e performance. The pupils passionately conveyed their message of sharing and joy and worked superbly together echoing your core values of 'together we succeed'. Giving Tree We have been overwhelmed with the generosity of school families with gifts for th e giving tree. This was a wonderful way of understanding the importance of giving and thinking of others at Christmas time. All of the donated items will be going towards Age Concern and Grace's Trust which support families in need in Jersey. Toy Sale T here is a toy sale in support of Jersey Brain Tumou r Charity on Saturday 16 th Dec (tomorrow) at St Paul's Centre. This has been organised by families in school to support a charity very close to our hearts. Alongside a toy sale there are crafts, games, raffle, live music and lots more. Thank you to all the families who donated toys . Please do pop in tomorro w to support this worthy cause. If anyone can help for a short time tomorrow, please do us know. Jersey Online Directory The Jersey Online Directory is a fabulous resource which gives you information about support services in Jersey. The website is . It provides information for various support groups, agencies and charities in Jer sey. Online Safety We discuss online safety on a regular basis at school and I know parents do at home too. We have noticed children using messaging services (like snapchat, imessage etc) more often and also children taking about games they play, which might not always be age appropriate. Our advice in school is for parents to talk to their children about what they are doing online and share experiences together so that you understand the on line apps or softw are they use. Part of our online safety teaching is also about the appropriateness o f the content of messages. Parents might not be aware that many of the apps children use which seems age appropriate also have the ability to chat with anyone else in the w orld playing the game. Common Sense Media is a fantastic website which you can search for a game or app and it will give information which you will need to know as a parent. As an example, I know that lots of children use Roblox and here is a link to Commo n Sense Media, which gives you information you need to know as a parent: - reviews/roblox . You can search for other apps, websites and software of this website too. Term Dates Our term dates can be found by following the link below: 01534 851812 Please no te that we have an INSET day on Tuesday 8 th May 2018 and school will be closed to children . Finally, I would like to thank all families for their fantastic support in 2017. The community in St Martin's is so special and the support it provides each other is amazing which fits perfectly into our school motto - Together we succeed more! I hope you have a fantastic Christmas and New Year and look forward to seeing you all at 8.45am for the start of the Spring term on Wednesday 3 rd January 2018. Many thanks Mrs Jenny Posner Head teacher Dear guests, At the Hotel Mayfair Paris, we are striving to play our role in operating environmental sensitive practices for a better sustainable development. Wherever possible, our aim is to reduce, reuse and recycle without compromising your comfort. Please find below some environmental actions we take, some of them, with your help. Chers clients, A l'Hôtel Mayfair Paris, nous accordons une attention particulière à notre environnement. Notre but est de le préserver en économisant l'énergie et en recyclant, ceci, sans compromettre votre niveau de confort. Nous avons le plaisir de vous détailler ci-dessous les actions que nous menons seuls ou grâce à votre collaboration. o rganic fruit S B athroom co S metic S Produit S d'accuei L à B a S e de fruit S Bio Starting the 1st of January 2011, we have the pleasure to welcome you with organic fruits cosmetics in your bathroom. Depuis le 1er Janvier 2011 nous avons le plaisir de vous proposer des Produits d'Accueil à base de fruits Bio dans votre salle de bain. r ecyc L ed wood P enci LS c rayon S en B oi S recyc L é Starting the 1st of October 2010, we have the pleasure to provide you with recycled wood pencils. Depuis le 1er Octobre 2010, nous avons le plaisir de mettre à votre disposition des crayons en bois recyclé. t owe LS Serviette S de B ain For those of you comfortable with reusing your towels, please hang them up to the heater or to the towel rack after use. Only towels left on the floor will be replaced. Si vous souhaitez réutiliser vos serviettes, merci de les accrocher aux portes serviettes ou au chauffage de salle de bain après utilisation. Seules les serviettes laissées par terre seront remplacées. Linen Linge de Lit For those of you comfortable with reusing your linen (bed sheets and pillow cases) more than once, please place the provided card on top of the bed. Si vous souhaitez réutiliser votre linge de lit, merci de déposer la carte prévue à cet effet sur le lit. a ir conditioning cL imati S ation The air conditioning system is compliant with European environmental regulations. Please note that we disable the air conditioning out of summer season. Le système de climatisation de l'hôtel est conforme aux nouvelles normes environnementales Européennes. De plus, hors période estivale, nous désactivons la climatisation. e nergy- S aving L am P a m P ou L e S B a SS e con S ommation 90% of the total number of lamps we use are energy- saving. 90% des ampoules utilisées dans l'hôtel sont à basse consommation. m otion detector S d étecteur S de mouvement When possible, we installed motion detectors in the common spaces. Lorsque possible, nous avons équipé les espaces communs de détecteurs de mouvement.