From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Some of my favorite articles come from those who share their God moves mightily through them. Who doesn't like a good God-story, right?
Well, in this latest word by Nate Johnston of Australia, he is very transparent of what a recent encounter with the glory of God did to him...and this is a word for the Body at large!
We are in a new day of God moving mightily through His sons and daughers...He is getting us ready and preparing us as Nate shares from a recent encounter:
Right now, He is taking hearts like dimly lit cathedrals, filled with old antiques, and turning them into glory-filled temples. You are His glorious temple, His resting place – His habitation. He is asking today if you would allow Him to come in and open up the windows and doors of your heart so HE, the King of glory, can come in and have His way.
As you read through Nate's word...let this be your heart's cry: Lord, have YOUR way! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"An Encounter with the Greater Glory: Fire and Increase!"
Nate Johnston, Gold Coast, Australia
Have Your Way Lord!
I was awakened by the Lord one night in early December. I just love those moments where His presence is so strong and His voice is like honey – I live for those moments! In this instance, He came with both "revelation" and an "invitation".
I was taken into a vision and saw a dimly-lit cathedral, filled with statues and other religious artifacts. Then I watched as the Lord began opening up all the windows and doors from every corner of the building. As He did, I noticed a beautiful and glorious light begin to shine, but it was not streaming in from the outside, but from within – on the inside. I watched as this incredible glory filled every space and every room before it suddenly burst and flooded to the outside.
God said to me, "This is My Church, and she is coming into her fulfillment season of Isaiah 60, where she will shine with My glory like never before in the earth and a harvest of harvests will come. But first, I am pouring out My glory in a greater measure. I am opening up the windows and doors of the heart of the Church so I, the King of glory, can come in!" (Read Isaiah 60:1-3.)
Then He spoke to me about Psalm 24:7-10 and said, "Nate, open up you gates, swing wide you ancient doors, so I can come in and burst through your life!" I was suddenly aware of a level of His abiding presence and majesty I had never known before and replied, "Yes, have Your way Lord!"
The Fire of God Pruning Us
To my surprise, I suddenly came into a time of both heavy warfare and the fire of God pruning me very deeply. God was speaking to the very depths of me, the often overlooked corners and nooks of my heart. There, He was pouring out His ever so wonderful yet confronting, powerful love. It was arresting areas in me that were holding me back from moving into this greater place I was hungering for.
The warfare I experienced was the darkest I have felt since I was in my teens – when the enemy tried to take me out. I woke up in cold sweats, had nightmares, and every day for weeks I was fighting an irrational fear and was in anguish that just didn't seem to go away. At the same time, my well was drying up. Almost all revelation was evaporating completely, and I felt frustrated and muzzled. (Photo via Unsplash)
"But God," I would say, "I am in ministry. I can't be facing this stuff, I see people healed of this!" Yet even in the middle of that I felt a deep, deep longing in me begin to cry out. It was a cry of a son wanting more of His Father. It was a craving that wouldn't and couldn't settle for anything but Him. I lost all desire for anything else and I had zero capacity for anything but just being with Him. Again, He whispered to me, "Do you really want more of Me?" Still I said, "Lord, it's all I want!"
One morning a few weeks ago, I woke up and sensed the same consuming fear trying to come over me. It was like what I had experienced for the 5 weeks prior. I heard the Lord say to me... (continue reading)