From the desk of Steve Shultz:
As many are aware, Revered Billy Graham recently graduated to Heaven just last month...and prophetic words have been pouring in about his mantle being released for the greatest of harvests we've seen yet.
I really enjoyed reading this recent word from Bill Yount about Billy Graham's mantle falling on this includes both prisons in the natural or any spiritual prisons people are facing as well.
If you didn't know, Billy Graham's casket was made by convicted murderers at the Angola Prison in Louisiana over a decade that speaks volumes of the humble man who knew we have all sinned and need a Savior.
Bill Yount shares this encouraging and NOW word:
I heard the Father saying, "I am honoring the inmates who built the casket for My chosen servant, Billy Graham. Their names burned into the pine plywood casket represent a list of names without number that will be recorded in My Lamb's book of life, as Billy Graham's mantle falls on prisoners worldwide, including those held captive in spiritual prisons. Many who have been kept by the darkest bondage will now become the greatest evangelists of our day."
Now that's a word! Be highly encouraged for the great harvest at hand. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Billy Graham's Mantle Falls on Prisons Worldwide"
Bill Yount, Hagerstown, MD
I heard the Father saying, "I am honoring the inmates who built the casket for My chosen servant, Billy Graham. Their names burned into the pine plywood casket represent a list of names without number that will be recorded in My Lamb's book of life, as Billy Graham's mantle falls on prisoners worldwide, including those held captive in spiritual prisons. Many who have been kept by the darkest bondage will now become the greatest evangelists of our day."
This is a word for those in a physical and/or spiritual prison. Whether you are inside a physical prison or a spiritual one makes no difference to the Lord!
I believe this word is the fruition of a vision the Lord gave me back in 1997.
God's Treasures Locked Up Behind Bars
It was late, I was tired and wanted to go to sleep, but God wanted to talk to me. It was about midnight, but it dawned on me that God does not sleep. His question made me restless, "Bill, where on earth does man keep his most priceless treasures and valuables?"
I said, "Lord, usually these treasures like gold, silver, diamonds and precious jewels are kept locked up somewhere out of sight, and usually with guards and security to keep them under lock and key."
God spoke, "Like man, My most valuable treasures on earth are also locked up."
I then saw Jesus standing in front of seemingly thousands of prisons and jails. The Lord said, "These ones have almost been destroyed by the enemy, but they have the greatest potential to be used and to bring forth glory to My name.
Tell My people, I am going this hour to the prisons to activate the gifts and callings that lie dormant in these lives, which were given before the foundation of the earth. Out from these walls will come forth an army of spiritual giants. They will have power to literally kick down the gates of Hell and overcome satanic powers that are holding many of My own people bound in My own house."
"Tell My people that great treasures are behind... (continue reading)