From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is quite an astounding word from Edie Bayer...and I assure you it will STRETCH your faith. Remember that John Wimber used to say, "Faith is spelled R - I - S - K." That is so true!
As Scripture tells us: "You shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth" (Deut. 8:18).
Do you have big dreams God is wanting you to fulfill? If so, He will also give you some plans to do them. That doesn't mean we will have it all figured out right now...but we can take those steps in faith to start the process.
Edie Bayer shares a great word about Kingdom wealth as she says:
It's not about you! It's about the Kingdom! These are Kingdom principles given by the King Himself. He WANTS to use you to financially bless both the saved and the getting-ready-to-be-saved. They are all His people. Those are His orphans. There are multiple missions trips He wants you to take. But you must first be obedient and get into order.
God doesn't want us broke. He wants us wealthy so we are more than able to accomplish every good work with more than enough left over to give away again and again.
You'll learn some vital keys the Lord showed Edie about financial blessings and God's strategies for Kingdom advancement. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Blueprints and Strategies to Acquire Wealth"
Edie Bayer, Houston, TX
Hear It and Do It!
Recently, the Lord told me that He is releasing blueprints and strategies to get wealth. He was clear that not only was He RELEASING them, but He also expects us to HEAR them and LATCH ONTO them, and DO them! He then brought back to my remembrance a simple process by which He has already enabled us to get wealth according to His Word.
You see, a while back, the Lord gave me a massive download about a real-estate development that He wants me to build. He showed me in detail the housing layouts, where the lake will be, and the exact locations of the churches. The best part of it was when He said to me, "You only need 12 million to start."
Yes..12 in DOLLARS. To Him, that might not be much money, but to the rest of us, that is a chunk. The belief system of most people would never allow them to acquire that much money EVER. But God...He proceeded to give me the road-map and plan to acquire that money.
Unfortunately, at that moment, I didn't get it. You see, even though He told me EXACTLY how to get the money, I didn't actually DO IT. It was easy to understand, but I still didn't get it! I was still expecting Him to somehow just drop it in my lap, to show up with it at my door, or send it by wire into my account. So, for the last year, I have been driving around, looking at land, waiting for God to show up at my door with cash...and it hasn't happened. Sound familiar?
Look, everyone I know, including...(continue reading)