From the desk of Steve Shultz:
As much as I enjoy the very deep, spiritual and supernatural articles...I also equally enjoy hearing about the very "practical" ways the Lord speaks to His sons and daughters in our everyday lives as well.
This is one such word by Edie Bayer as she was tending to her garden...and the Lord started speaking to her about the "hidden fruit" that appeared.
Edie shares this as she was tending to her garden:
I kept digging through the soil, and the Lord kept speaking! He told me that He had been working in the background the entire time, even when I had neglected the garden. He actually said that He had been working "behind my back." These plants had been growing while I wasn't watching, with absolutely no help from me. In fact, they grew IN SPITE of me!
Amen...I totally concur with this. Even seeds we didn't know were planted and remained hidden from plain will start springing up!
God is going to let you SEE with your very own eyes the fruit from all your labors and HIS that He planted for you!
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"I Heard the Lord Say, 'Those Aren't Weeds! They're Hidden Fruit!'"
Edie Bayer, Houston, TX
Seeds Planted in a Previous Season
Recently one morning the crows were screaming outside my window in our vegetable garden. Their loud, raucous noises woke me up. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about so I walked out to our vegetable garden, which had been sitting neglected since last summer. I decided, as it was February already and since we love potatoes so much, I'd better try to clean out a raised bed and plant some.
Looking at the mess, I felt overwhelmed. I don't like to weed and clean up the garden. I almost walked away, reasoning I would just have to wait for another day when I had more time. However, it occurred to me that it was already mid-February, so I'd better do it today. With our busy schedule, we needed to multi-task and would like our vegetables to be growing while we are out ministering and working.
"It is time to harvest the hidden fruit! God has prepared us for the seed that has been planted and growing while we weren't watching to produce fruit that is hidden – but is there nonetheless!" |
I started weeding out a planter box, pulling on the branches of old tomato plants and eggplant stalks, removing vegetable cages and pulling out clumps of dollar weeds. I found a dried-up tomato on top of the soil, which made me happy! Tomatoes and other fruits that fall off sometimes grow new plants, called "volunteers", with no effort on our part. Volunteers are new plants that grow from the seeds of plants from a previous growing season. I love when that happens. It's like free food!
Steadily cleaning out the weeds and dead plants, pulling on dried sweet-potato vines on top of the soil, a sweet potato came up out of the now-loosened dirt. To my surprise, there was another one, and then another! Stunningly, I hadn't even planted sweet potatoes in this planter last season! They grew from vines in the next planter over which had reached across into this planter box, and made contact with the soil and grew potatoes, without any work on my part. They must have grown after we finished the last harvest, without our knowledge. More free food!
I then heard the Lord say, "See, those aren't weeds! They're hidden fruit!"
I believe and I decree that you will see a return and abundance from the seeds that you have planted in a previous season!
The Hidden Fruit in Your Own Life
I kept digging through the soil, and the Lord kept speaking! He told me that He had been working in the background the entire time, even when I had neglected the garden. He actually said that He had been working "behind my back." These plants had been growing while I wasn't watching, with absolutely no help from me. In fact, they grew IN SPITE of me! (Photo via Unsplash)
This is GOOD NEWS! God doesn't need... (continue reading)