March 13, 2018 "Set Your Sights Higher and See Yourself as I See You!" Emily-Rose Lewis, Charlotte, NC From the Desk of Steve Shultz: There is no doubt that we are in a time of great change. God wants to bring us so much more than we can ask or think. AND to bring those things...often He will do a work in us first. There may be areas in which the Lord wants to heal and bring change so that you can carry your gifts and callings well. Emily-Rose Lewis shared about this and more in her latest word: God is wanting to do an amazing turnaround in your relationships this season. Feeling stuck? Feeling like you keep coming up against some of the same ongoing issues and the same people holding you back in some way? Guess what? God wants you to know that your breakthrough is in His hands! God is wanting you to partner with Him against the forces of darkness and those things that are blocking your forward momentum in relational growth. This is the day and hour to move into a spacious place of unity in an abundance of love, joy and peace. Now that's a good word for us all. Let's all decree: Lord, come in and do Your mighty work in us! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.) Note: Do these free emails bless you? Would you consider your part in the financial support of ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES? Here's a button you can click on if you are able to help us: Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here: Enjoy! Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News ************************************* "Set Your Sights Higher and See Yourself as I See You!" Emily-Rose Lewis, Charlotte, NC  Feeling Stuck? Your Breakthrough is in His Hands! God is wanting to do an amazing turnaround in your relationships this season. Feeling stuck? Feeling like you keep coming up against some of the same ongoing issues and the same people holding you back in some way? Guess what? God wants you to know that your breakthrough is in His hands! God is wanting you to partner with Him against the forces of darkness and those things that are blocking your forward momentum in relational growth. This is the day and hour to move into a spacious place of unity in an abundance of love, joy and peace. The Word of the Lord today is this: "Humble yourself and I will exalt you. Examine your life before Me in the secret place, and I will show you how to come up even higher in Me. It is in knowing Me more that you come to know yourself better. Spend time in My Word and bask in the light of My presence. Share your heart with Me. "I would much prefer you come to Me in humility, asking that I reveal any area where I want you to come up higher, than for you to suffer any pockets of deception you are carrying in your heart about yourself and your life. In coming to Me in humility, you avoid Me having to touch your circumstance to get your attention, or having to be humbled by someone else uncovering what is in darkness. I am happy to reveal what is needed to remove the blocks directly for you. "It is I who purifies and refines. It is I who reveals and elevates. It is I who heals and redeems. I am the One who can make the changes that you long for. Allow Me to form in you a character that is strong enough to carry the high call I have on your life. Allow Me to have full reign in your own heart. Defer to My loving ways in all relational interactions. My Word applies to you. My ways will work through you. My interest in people is to be manifested through you. You are My Ambassadors – See Yourself as I See You "To those who have ears, hear Me speak. If you want to see Me formed more fully in others, allow Me to form Myself more fully in you. You are longing for others to see Me as I am because you rightly understand that if they see Me as I am, they will be smitten by My beauty and majesty and will never be the same. You are My ambassadors. You are the light that is to shine. Light cannot be overcome by darkness! When I am on the throne of your heart, no darkness will overcome you. "Set aside your need to be understood by others and come before Me. I know you completely, and you will completely love what I see. You are the apple of My eye. You are special. My personal love for you is uniquely yours. There is a facet of Myself that I created within you to reflect to the world. Come to Me. See Me as I am. See yourself as I see you. "I love the way you are. I not only notice all the little things that make you distinctly you, I thought them up. I was there when you were in your mother's womb. I rejoiced with the angels when you were born into the world that I created for you to fill and subdue. You are My idea and My creation. I have planned out all of the details of your life. I know the end from the beginning. There are things about you that you have yet to discover. When you walk closely with Me I will unveil you, first to yourself and then to others, to bless them with the gift that you are, and to help them become more of who I created them to be. Set Your Sights Higher! "Shift your focus and relinquish control. Focus on Me and cooperate with My work in your own life. You will come into greater alignment with My thoughts and plans to use you to impact and change those relationships that are in your inner circle. Your influence will have a ripple effect, growing in ever widening circles, as your light shines brighter and brighter. You are called to be a light, shining in a wicked and depraved generation, to draw more and more people to the beauty of My glory revealed through your life. "Allow the work of the Cross to be completed in your own life. The power of My resurrection life in and through you cannot be contained. The power of the Cross always spreads in ever widening circles through those who have truly been transformed by it. Set your sights higher!" (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.) Emily-Rose Lewis Emily-Rose Lewis Ministries Email: Website: Emily-Rose Lewis is a prophetic speaker, author and coach with over 16 years of service in the Kingdom of God. She founded Desert Rose Ministries in 2014 to bring healing and restoration to the Body of Christ through teaching, coaching and prophesying. She has studied dreams, visions and the supernatural, developing deep revelatory understanding into the ways the Lord desires to bring healing, guidance and prophetic insight into peoples lives and futures. Emily-Rose walks in the miracle working power of God and has seen countless miracles of healing in both body and soul. ************************************* To receive daily, encouraging prophetic emails from The Elijah List to your in box CLICK HERE or go to: Visit our webstore and check out Alveda King's book by Elijah List Publications: America Return to God: Also check out Steve Shultz's Revised and 2nd Edition book Can't You Talk Louder, God?: Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep Elijah List website, email contact info, and author contact information intact. Elijah List Publications 528 Ellsworth St. SW Albany, OR 97321 email: Phone 1-541-926-3250 |