| | | TO SUBSCRIBE to Amazing Health Advances, Click HERE! | March 18, 2018 | A Personal Note From Steve To Elijah List Readers Dear Elijah List Readers, I'm very excited about our newest separate free email list, called: AMAZING HEALTH ADVANCES! As one of our readers, you know the quality we put into our publications. And with that let me say for most of my life, I've had a very strong interest in the latest and greatest health advances that medical science is making or even stumbling into! That's what AHA is all about... letting you, the reader know about many of these MEDICAL ADVANCES as they are published when they are hot off the press. Beyond that you'll read about other NATUROPATHIC ADVANCES the orthodox medical publications may not carry. I LOVE THE NATUROPATHIC SCIENCES AND SO WILL YOU. Now, to whet your appetite, check out one of our great email postings just below! So let me say it this way, "Please, if you have even the tiniest interest in your health, quickly subscribe to AMAZING HEALTH ADVANCES You will NOT BE SORRY! http://www.amazinghealthadvances.com/subscribe As my way of thanking you for doing that, you and all new subscribers will receive (free of charge) the PDF e-book titled "Healed! Present Day Stories of Divine Healing and How It Happens" by Andy & Cathy Sanders. These are incredible and miraculous stories on healing, some of which have been written by some of our own Elijah List writers. You will receive the link to download this e-book in the welcome email you will receive within a few moments after you subscribe to "Amazing Health Advances", so make sure your email address is entered correctly! Let's get started! Again, to subscribe to AMAZING HEALTH ADVANCES, or go to: http://www.amazinghealthadvances.com/subscribe Steve Shultz, Founder, The Elijah List Breaking Christian News | What to Take for Your Health After Surgery |  | Dr. Michael Greger Even minor surgery can reap havoc on your body! Medicine is messy. One of the reasons researchers experiment on animals is they can create uniform, standardized injuries to test potential remedies. It’s not like you can just cut open 50 people and see if something works better than a sugar pill. But, wait a second, we cut people open all the time. It’s called surgery. In my video Speeding Recovery from Surgery with Turmeric, I discuss a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study that investigated the efficacy of turmeric curcumin in pain and post-operative fatigue in patients who had their gall bladders removed. Fifty people were cut into and given either curcumin or an identical-looking placebo, along with rescue analgesics—i.e., actual painkillers to take if the pain became unbearable. Even though it’s just laparoscopic surgery, people don’t realize what a toll it can take. (You can be out of commission for a month!) In India, turmeric—found in curry powder—has traditionally been used as a remedy for traumatic pain and fatigue, so the researchers decided to put it to the test... Read more here. | |
| News Staff Their milk contains a newly discovered protein scientists have dubbed the “Shirley Temple” protein. (Australia) – A breakthrough by Australian scientists has brought the introduction of an unlikely hero in the global fight against antibiotic resistance a step closer; the humble platypus. Due to its unique features - duck-billed, egg-laying, beaver-tailed and venomous- the platypus has long exerted a powerful appeal to scientists, making it an important subject in the study of evolutionary biology. In 2010 scientists discovered that platypus milk contained unique antibacterial properties that could be used to fight superbugs. Now a team of researchers at Australia's national research agency, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), and Deakin University have solved a puzzle that helps explain why platypus milk is so potent - bringing it one step closer to being used to save lives. The discovery was made by replicating a special protein contained in platypus milk in a laboratory setting... Read more here. | |
| Susan Keown Misconceptions about colorectal cancer can keep people from accessing the preventive care and treatment they might need. It’s the second-most common cancer killer in the U.S., but misconceptions about colorectal cancer can keep people from accessing the preventive care and treatment they might need. We asked colorectal cancer experts at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center for the top misunderstandings they encounter about this disease, which is diagnosed in more than 130,000 Americans each year. Hutch experts came up with six, but here are the Cliffs Notes takeaways: Screening saves lives. And so does a healthy diet. Read on: Misunderstanding No. 1: I don’t need to be screened if I’m not having symptoms Screening for colorectal cancer saves lives by detecting early cancers and precancers that are more easily treated than late-stage disease. In fact, a 2015 study estimated that 50 percent fewer people have died of colorectal cancer in recent years thanks to screening... Read more here. | | |
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