James Goll:
Jesus is Coming to Visit His Father's House Again!
Today's Elijah List Ministries Featured Video Messages...
From the desk of Steve Shultz:
One of the most accurate prophets I know is James Goll.
You've probably heard such prophets called, "Issachar" prophets because it was the tribe of Issachar gifted by God to know and understand the "Times and Seasons" that are upon us.
To listen and watch James Goll is to know and understand the season we are in right now. Don't miss this video and prophetic teaching, whatever you do.
Finally, the always-popular "DECODERS" segment with Sunil Isaac is part of this video. Here he will once again point to previous prophecies and tell you how they have now or ARE NOW coming through.
Please enjoy! Oh and Derene and I once again thank you in advance for any financial support you are able to give this month. We are quite a bit behind in the normal giving this month I felt I should let you know.
Blessings to you all!

Steve and Derene Shultz