From the desk of Steve Shultz:
We have been posting recent articles calling for fasting and prayer over our nation and for the great revival harvest at hand. God is speaking a theme to us in this time.
Our good friend James Goll knows very well the importance of fasting and prayer, and how it prepares our hearts and positions us for great outpouring from the Lord. He has written great teachings and books about intercession, and I would encourage you to get some of these at the bottom of his article.
James opens with this excerpt:
Currently there is a global unprecedented call to united prayer and fasting unto the next Great Harvest! The prophet Amos stated plainly, "Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret counsel to His servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7). In our day, these prophetic voices include: Lou Engle with TheCall, Doug Addison with InLight Connection, Cindy Jacobs with Reformation Prayer Network, and statesman Dutch Sheets and others.
Prayer and fasting precedes the latter rain of the Holy Spirit—and the time to take action is NOW! I encourage you to participate through whatever application the Lord gives you.
Let's lean into and glean this awesome revelatory message from teacher, intercessor and prophet, James Goll! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"A Call to United Prayer and Fasting for the Great Harvest!"
James W. Goll, Franklin, TN
Currently there is a global unprecedented call to united prayer and fasting unto the next Great Harvest! The prophet Amos stated plainly, "Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret counsel to His servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7). In our day, these prophetic voices include: Lou Engle with TheCall, Doug Addison with InLight Connection, Cindy Jacobs with Reformation Prayer Network, and statesman Dutch Sheets and others.
Prayer and fasting precedes the latter rain of the Holy Spirit—and the time to take action is NOW! I encourage you to participate through whatever application the Lord gives you.
Prayer and Fasting Precedes His Coming
I remember well one of the first prophetic words I personally ever received and released. "As it was before the first coming of the Messiah, there was a seer named Simeon and a prophetess named Anna, so it will before the Second Coming of the Messiah Jesus. He will raise up a company of Simeon Seers and Anna Praying Prophets who will be waiting and watching, praying and fasting." I believed that word when it came forth from my heart and mouth forty years ago, and I believe it even more today! Let's take a look at this principle from Scripture.
When the time approached for Jesus, God's promised Messiah, to be born, God again revealed His workings to a certain of His servants who were waiting on Him quietly in faith, with their hearts tuned to His heart. He spoke to Mary and Joseph. He spoke to Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, who discerned through the Holy Spirit that the child in Mary's womb was the Son of God. He spoke to Simeon and Anna, two faithful, elderly servants in Jerusalem who, upon seeing Mary and Joseph in the temple to dedicate their firstborn son to God, recognized Him as the Lord's Promised One.
Today the Holy Spirit is speaking again through a multitude of voices. Dreams and visions, prophetic promises and warnings are being issued in this strategic season. Whether it is the rocking voice of Lou Engle with TheCall or prophetic evangelist, Doug Addison with InLight Connection, a call to consecration with prayer and fasting is marching forward! Consider Cindy Jacobs with the Reformation Prayer Network and the voice of statesman Dutch Sheets—there is an usual united call to prayer and fasting unto revival to turn the tide in this nation and beyond, declaring the beginning of the Third Great Awakening.
"The sound of the trumpet summons the people together to fast and pray and weep before the Lord." |
Add to that the West Coast Rumble spearheaded by Jerame and Miranda Nelson, and now "California Dreaming" with Che Ahn and team. Or what about some next generation voices like Jennifer LeClaire with the Awakening House of Prayer in Florida, or Jon and Jolene Hamill in DC! Oh, and let's add in some flaming apostles like Dr. Steven Matthews in Chicago and Ryan LeStrange based in VA. God is speaking loudly and clearly in this hour!
It is a time of an unprecedented call to... (continue reading)