From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is most certainly a NOW Word by Jennifer Martin...revival isn't coming but it IS here!
Now, that doesn't mean it's unfolding all at once...but it does mean that it's happening and we are going to watch mighty outpourings before our very eyes.
God is making it very clear to us regarding the season we are in as Jennifer Martin shares here in her opening:
I heard it loud, so very loud in my spirit while driving home in the pouring rain just the other night. Without hesitation, I began to decree, "The bowls are tipped!" The prayers of the saints have filled the bowls for decades and they have reached their tipping point. Now the prayers are continually coming and causing a massive overflow of the bowls. Now is the time for the answers to speedily pour forth onto the earth. And a great harvest of souls is here. It's not the time to stop or slow down, but we must continually come to the Lord and overflow the bowls. The outpouring of prayers is causing the heavens to give rain and the earth is bringing forth her precious fruit to her God: Souls! Souls! Souls!
It's here folks...let's be open to what the Lord's doing and get on board together! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"The Bowls Are Tipped and Revival Rain is Here!"
Jennifer Martin, Nashville, TN
I heard it loud, so very loud in my spirit while driving home in the pouring rain just the other night. Without hesitation, I began to decree, "The bowls are tipped!" The prayers of the saints have filled the bowls for decades and they have reached their tipping point. Now the prayers are continually coming and causing a massive overflow of the bowls. Now is the time for the answers to speedily pour forth onto the earth. And a great harvest of souls is here. It's not the time to stop or slow down, but we must continually come to the Lord and overflow the bowls. The outpouring of prayers is causing the heavens to give rain and the earth is bringing forth her precious fruit to her God: Souls! Souls! Souls!
Dream About the Golden Bowls
"This revival will be full of intimacy and healing of the nations!" |
I dreamed I was standing before a large beast that stood like a man on two legs and had fur all over its body and had two horns upon its head. I was unafraid of this beastly looking man because I had a weapon. I picked up my leather sling, just like David's, and I placed a golden bowl in the end of it. I began to swing the sling around as I stepped forward towards the beast and I accurately hit him in the head, over and over again. He was rendered powerless, unable to attack me, unable to move, because the golden bowl had paralyzed him!
The Golden Bowls – Let the Incense Rise!
Have you heard of these golden bowls? They are found in Revelations. These are the bowls that the 24 elders hold in their hands, while holding a harp in the other. They are filled with incense and are the prayers of the saints (Rev. 5:8). God loves prayers, obviously, as He refers to them as being incense. Remember when Cornelius was visited by the angel who told him, "Your prayers and alms have come up before God as a memorial" (Acts 10:4). God could smell the aroma coming up before Him.
Your prayers smell sweet to Him! I wonder how much God can take before the sweetness of your heart overtakes the atmosphere of Heaven and the incense of your prayers are smelled by all. There must be a tipping point. There must be a fullness of time when those prayers are answered. The time is now! The collective prayers of the saints have filled the air of Heaven. God smells it every second! The angels smell it constantly. Let the incense rise! Let it fill Heaven! Let it cause God's heart to be moved with compassion and send the rain. (Photo via Unsplash)
Zechariah 10:1 tells us to "...ask for the latter rain." God wants us to ask and He gives the invitation: "Ask and keep asking, seek and keep seeking, knock and keep knocking; for whoever asks, receives, whoever seeks, finds, and whoever knocks the door will be opened" (Matt. 7:7). Let the Spirit and the Bride say, "Come!" He desires to pour out, but He waits to be asked. The Church has been asking and asking, seeking and seeking, knocking and knocking, and I hear the Lord saying... (continue reading)