From the desk of Steve Shultz:
There is much the Lord is doing in this hour...and WE will need to catch up with all He is doing! I would say this latest word by Katie Barker of Australia is a "global word for all" as it has a little bit of something for everyone.
Yes, we know are are in a day of God rising up sons and daughters, including those who've been hidden for a time...and then releasing them for "such a time as this."
Katie Barker shares in potent word for YOU:
Those who have been hidden in Christ are being raised up and highlighted by the Lord. They are those who are pure in heart and are surrendered to Him. They can walk through trials and difficult seasons and still be at peace, as their peace and hope are found in Him. They have great faith and trust in the Lord and their eyes are fixed on Him. They know He is faithful to fulfill the promises He has given. They are swift to obey the leading of the Holy Spirit. The Lord is unveiling His hidden ones all around the world and they are arising into the destinies God has called them to. They have been hidden and prepared for this time. They are arising for such a time as this, impacting their sphere of influence to advance the Kingdom of God and see their area aligned with Kingdom ways.
We will see many new leaders emerging across the earth for divine establish His Kingdom! Let's all move forward in Him in our new Kingdom assignments! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"A Time of Unveiling to Bring God's Glory to Earth"
Katie Barker, Tweed Coast, Australia
Within the last couple of weeks, the Holy Spirit has brought the word "unveiling" to me many times. The Lord has been showing me we are in a time of unveiling where He is uncovering and revealing many things. Unveiling is defined as "to become revealed as if by removing a veil."
Unveiling of the Hidden Ones
Those who have been hidden in Christ are being raised up and highlighted by the Lord. They are those who are pure in heart and are surrendered to Him. They can walk through trials and difficult seasons and still be at peace as their peace and hope are found in Him. They have great faith and trust in the Lord and their eyes are fixed on Him. They know He is faithful to fulfill the promises He has given. They are swift to obey the leading of the Holy Spirit. The Lord is unveiling His hidden ones all around the world and they are arising into the destinies God has called them to. They have been hidden and prepared for this time. They are arising for such a time as this, impacting their sphere of influence to advance the Kingdom of God and see their area aligned with Kingdom ways.
Unveiling More of Himself and His Ways
"People across the earth are humbling themselves before the Lord and calling for Him to heal their land and send the fire of His Spirit." |
As His people set their eyes on heavenly things and surrender to Him, He is unveiling more of Himself and His ways. The people of God are encountering God's radical, all consuming love in ways they have not experienced before. God is pouring out more of His love and power. The people of God are experiencing the wonder and vastness of His love and they are impacting others with His love. They are setting their hearts on Him and pursuing His ways. As they draw near to Him, He is drawing ever nearer to them and unveiling more and more of who He is and who they are in Him. The perfect love of God is...(continue reading)