From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I know the saints have prayed and prayed...and prayed over our nation and the nations of the earth. There comes a time when those prayers must be answered! We've received revelation recently that we are in a time of seeing our prayers come to pass on a grand scale!
Larry sparks shares a riveting word about this here as he says:
I sense something unique about the prayers and praises of the last 20 years coming into a divine synergy with the prayers and praises of all who came before and have gone on to glory.
I believe the prayers of the last 20 years coming into alignment with the intercessory cries throughout Church history are READY to "tip the bowls of Heaven over!" "Take aim," says the LORD. "Take aim, because it's time to tip!"
Be encouraged that He is a God of His word and He is answering our prayers! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Aim Your Prayers, Prophecies and Praises at the Bowls in Heaven – They Are Tipping!"
Larry Sparks, West Palm Beach, FL
I prophesy that we are in a season where the bowls in Heaven are ready to tip! Yes, we are at a critical and exciting tipping point!
"Now when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints." (Revelation 5:8)
In the prophetic language of Revelation 5:8, we are given a stunning glimpse of the atmosphere of Heaven. It appears that in the heavenly realm, there are golden bowls full of incense which "are the prayers of the saints." Not the saints of just one generation. Not just the saints who are presently on the earth today. Certainly not only the saints of Bible times, yesteryears and antiquity.
"There are too many unfulfilled prophetic words floating around because we do not respond to them with an appropriate urgency." |
These are the prayers of the saints, the redeemed Ekkelsia, throughout history. I can't begin to imagine the thunder of authority, power and desperation being echoed in this chorus of prayer!
A Convergence of Prayer and Praise
Now, imagine the prayers and praises of the past twenty years coming into divine alignment and synergy with well, everything! 1) The prayers of every single revivalist, reformer, and awakener throughout history. 2) The prayers of the Moravian community. 3) The prayers of the martyrs. 4) The prayers of the healing evangelists. 5) The prayers of Billy Graham. 6) The prayers of family members, friends, and clergy who paid a price to shape history. 7) The prayers of the great Cloud of Witnesses. 8) The prayers of Old Testament forerunners and New Testament saints. 9) Above all, the prayers and intercession of Jesus, the Mediator, Himself!
I sense something unique about the prayers and praises of the last 20 years coming into a divine synergy with the prayers and praises of all who came before and have gone on to glory.
"Why the last 20 years, Lord? What's key about that time frame?" I asked. I began to sense that over the last 20 years we have witnessed an unusual, supernatural acceleration in prayer throughout the earth. It all started from...(continue reading)