Ruth Hendrickson is a stellar leader in the Body of Christ. She is a trainer in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and is an accurate prophetic voice.
I honor and respect her ministry to the Body.
I pray her word today encourages you deeply. The fog is lifting! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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I hear the Lord saying that many of His children have become lost in their silent season. They are wandering around in the fog. Some have even hit hazards and have become bumped and bruised. Others have lost their sense of direction and focus. Like the Israelites in the desert, they are wandering around in circles. Still others have grown weary and given up hope like Elijah. They have sat down under their "broom tree" and allowed depression to set in (1 Kings 19:4). The fog has become all consuming.
The Danger Zone: Fog
When God's voice goes seemingly silent, there is an eeriness that invades our lives. Silence now looms where relationship once stood, where laughter once filled the air, and where dreams ran rampant and jumped for joy. In that very place, eeriness spreads like a rolling fog across the land.
In the natural, it is difficult to see when the dense fog rolls in. On a clear night, we throw on our high beams and drive with confidence along the open road with hardly a care in the world. However, when the fog rolls in, everything changes. Fog causes us to slow down, put on our low beams and proceed with caution.
Fog demands intentional focus or we risk getting swallowed up and lost in it. The signs are harder to see and the hazards are difficult to spot. Our headlights do not seem to cut through the fog and everything appears different. Silence looms.
Silent seasons are potentially dangerous. We can go looking in all the wrong places trying to get that void filled. We are more vulnerable to doubt and receiving ungodly labels and words that do not align with our walk with God or our destiny.
A Voice Crying Out
Isaiah 40:3 declares, "Listen! It's the voice of someone shouting, 'Clear the way through the wilderness for the Lord! Make a straight highway through the wasteland for our God!'" (See also Mark 1:3.) The prophetic voice is a voice that cries out in the wilderness. We have to listen through the fog.
Winds of Change and Restoration
The Lord has heard the cry of those stuck in the fog. I see God releasing a wind. The wind is blowing against the season of silence. On the wings of the wind is breakthrough. It is a wind of change, blowing away the fog and ushering in a new day.
It is a wind of restoration! Lift up your eyes to the heavens and feel the wind. Allow the wind to blow the labels, doubts and fears away. It's a new day; allow your mind to be connected to the heavenly atmosphere.
The wind carries the voice of the Lord God, Almighty. The wind is restoring relationship and opening the ears to hear. Can you hear it? It is the voice of the Father calling out for His children. I see children searching for their Father as His voice booms across the expanse telling them that they are not alone. Abba Daddy is here. You hear the sound of His voice, so run to it; His arms are open. Run to Him. Around Him there is... (continue reading)