From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Ruth Hendrickson is a stellar leader in the Body of Christ.
She is a trainer in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and is an accurate prophetic voice.
I honor and respect her ministry to the Body.
I pray her word today encourages you deeply. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Heaven is Overflowing with Dreams and Visions, Waiting to be Released"
Ruth Hendrickson, Stockton, New Jersey
There is a shift taking place. God is opening a new sphere of dreams and visions. Those who've had limited dreams will be dreaming in detail and remembering the dreams. No longer will they be stolen away. In addition, God is opening up the vision realm and releasing greater understanding. Where things were once a "dream" or a far-off "vision" God is putting them into a time released sequence.
Timed Confusion
I believe the demonic has released confusion regarding the timing of walking out dreams and visions. This has drawn people into either stepping ahead of God's ordained moment, falling behind, or giving up in frustration, thereby opening the door to ushering in confusion and chaos at an even deeper level.
We have a clock in our living room that is confused. Recently, when it was 3:00pm it chimed 11:00pm. I see God repairing and resetting the clock to bring all aspects into alignment. We will look and hear the time more clearly and be able to read the season with increased clarity.
Remember Joseph!
Some have shared dreams and visions with friends and those in positions of authority, but have been "shot down" like Joseph sharing his dreams with his bothers and his parents (Genesis 37). Your brothers (and sisters) have responded in jealousy, and some of you have even felt scolded by those in authority as you looked for confirmation and guidance.
"Joseph's brothers were envious and jealous of him, but his father kept the words [of Joseph] in mind [wondering about their meaning]." This Scripture makes a key point in Genesis 37:11, that although Joseph's brothers were truly jealous, his father wondered what the dreams meant. What I sense the Holy Spirit saying is that many of you have planted seeds that are being "pondered" not ignored.
It is a "now" moment to release and forgive the friends who have exhibited jealously. Some of the wounding from authority figures is so vast that judgments have been formed. I sense the Holy Spirit reminding us to walk in the power of blessing rather than the trap of judgment and unforgiveness. As Joseph forgave his brothers and proclaimed God's sovereign plan, so we must forgive and proclaim the faithfulness of God.
Side Ways and Upside Down!
Like a time released capsule, God is positioning the seemingly unreachable dreams and visions to... (continue reading)