From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I know some of you have walked through the wilderness for a long, long time. You've been faced with challenge after challenge along the way.
But through it all, we are growing and learning what God wants us preparation for our future.
Barbie Breathitt shares an excellent word about Jesus, the the Everlasting Door, and our season:
Jesus Christ alone is the only true doorway that gives the Believer access to the highest spiritually abundant, eternal life. To enter and exit the wilderness we must go through Jesus, the everlasting door... The Lion of Judah roars, "Do not fear, open the door, gain energy and momentum to run into your inheritance to occupy and advance, for I am with you! War forward against your enemies to unlock your financial fullness of provision for the next season."
Be encouraged to "open the door" set before you! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Jesus is Our Everlasting Door - Enter In!"
Barbie Breathitt, North Richland Hills, TX
The Eternal Realm through Jesus Christ
We are able to access the eternal spiritual realm through the Holy Spirit who connects us to Jesus. He is the living Word of God. Jesus Christ is the only God-given door that we enter into through prayer, meditation, praise and worship, dreams and vision.
Jesus was raised from the slumber of death, becoming the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep or died. We know that death entered the world through the physical body of Adam when he sinned, so it took the spiritual body of the perfect man Jesus, to make the resurrection of the dead a reality for us. Adam introduced death to mankind; but Jesus brought forth eternal life for everyone who believes on Him. The weak, fleshly, naturally animated physical body that is planted in the earth decays. The spiritually animated splendor and power of the body raised from the earth cannot decay.
"Jesus Christ alone is the only true doorway that gives the Believer access to the highest spiritually abundant, eternal life." |
The first man, Adam, came from the dust of the earth, so he shared an earthly nature with mankind and became a living soul. The last Adam, Jesus, came from Heaven so He shared His heavenly nature with those destined for Heaven and became a life-giving Spirit. There is a Kingdom order. The body is not enlivened first by the spiritual but by the physical. Then after our rebirth into salvation, the Holy Spirit becomes our life-giving force. We will not all sleep in death, but we will all be instantly changed and transformed.
Overcome Your Past in the Wilderness
Hell wants to keep you bound to the past through doubt and unbelief. Betrayal overwhelms. Rejection and abandonment make you feel fatherless, so that hopelessness can establish iniquitous patterns in your generational bloodlines that block the measure in which the Holy Spirit can move. The enemy develops strategies to compound your distractions, to plunder your losses by creating captivity, so that you never have vision to harvest your field.
Learn to bring your first fruits to God to recover loss and to be restored. God's grace causes us to gain momentum that Hell can't stop in order to advance God's Kingdom. We must learn to face off our enemies in the wilderness or they will attack to overtake, and try to captivate us until we lose vision. Satan wants us to die in the wilderness (Matthew Chapters 3 and 4).
To overcome, we must be led by the Spirit into the wilderness to face off the enemy of our future (Luke 4). To overcome, resist the temptation of demanding your physical material needs be met now (Luke 4:3-4, Deuteronomy 8:3, Exodus 7). Battle the temptation of desiring a...(continue reading)