From the desk of Steve Shultz:
God loves Israel and they are highly favored from Him.
As Israel is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year of becoming their own country...there is much to be praying for and speaking over this God-blessed land.
Christy Johnston of Australia had an awesome dream encounter with the Lord and shares:
This year marks the 70th year of independence for the nation of Israel. Significantly, the number 70 is prophetic for freedom and the fulfillment of a time or cycle. I believe this remarkable season of time is where the Father is calling out to Israel to experience their TRUE freedom in the revelation of Yeshua. I believe we, as His adopted sons and daughters, are to call their hearts to awaken to His name.
We are heading to Israel ourselves in June on this 70th year for our Elijah List Prophetic Israel Tour with Lance Wallnau and Steve Swanson...we can't wait! It's going to be a significant time to be there!
Let's all keep praying over Israel...the apple of God's eye. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Call Them Home: A New Day for the Nation of Israel!"
Christy Johnston, Gold Coast, Australia
I had a powerful encounter dream recently that has branded my heart in ways I was not expecting. In the dream, I was standing in a downpour of rain, when suddenly I saw Jesus standing directly in front of me. The interesting thing was He was not simply standing in the rain, He WAS the rain. His beautiful face had formed through the droplets falling in front of me. I sensed such a powerful authority as He then spoke to me very clearly, and with a profound weightiness. He spoke this three times and said, "Christy, they will hear My name in the rain. They will hear My name in the rain. They will hear My name in the rain."
The Latter Rain
"He is stirring the hearts of the nation of Israel and those of the lost and positioning them to reap a harvest of souls like we have never seen before." |
Instinctively, I knew in this dream that He was referring to the nation of Israel, the Jewish people. It was at that very moment that I woke up to the sound of a thunderous downpour of rain falling heavily upon our roof and I began weeping. His presence in this dream had so overwhelmed me as He had pierced my heart with an intense intercession for the nation of Israel. I began crying out for them in the middle of the night. The Holy Spirit then led me to Hosea 6:3 which says:
"Yes, let us know (recognize, be acquainted with, and understand) Him; let us be zealous to know the Lord (to appreciate, give heed to, and cherish Him). His going forth is prepared and certain as the dawn, and He will come to us as the heavy rain, as the latter rain that waters the earth."
I believe that Jesus is declaring it is a time of... (continue reading)