From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Ella Onakoya is a healing revivalist and evangelist...she loves to see people get saved and set free.
As we are in the era of the greatest harvest of souls we've seen yet...we like to publish words from evangelists like Ella to spur us on and get us ready too.
Ella shares this powerful word for the seers and God bringing us new vision:
I sense in my spirit the urgency of the Lord to anoint the eyes of His seers so they could see clearly. There is a pure move of the Holy Spirit so that the saints of the Lord can see and be apart of what He is about to do in the earth today. Prophecies will increase in clarity and accuracy as the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation is poured out and received in our hearts...
God is on course to release a great awakening in His saints so they can see what He's about to do outside of the four walls of the Church. These awakened saints will be used mightily by God to release His Kingdom on earth and bring in a great harvest.
Be encouraged to let the Lord anoint your eyes and bring clarity in any areas needed! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"God is Anointing the Eyes of the Seers and Bringing Clarity of Vision"
Ella Onakoya, London, United Kingdom
Anointing the Eyes of the Seers
Fairly recently, I had a dream where I saw a house with very dirty and blurry windows. The windows were so blurry one could not see what was outside. Suddenly, I saw 'a hand' holding a jar of water. This hand sprayed the windows with water and the windows became so clean you could see what was outside.
The Lord would have me share the following revelations from this dream: I sense in my spirit the urgency of the Lord to anoint the eyes of His seers so they could see clearly. There is a pure move of the Holy Spirit so that the saints of the Lord can see and be apart of what He is about to do in the earth today. Prophecies will increase in clarity and accuracy as the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation is poured out and received in our hearts.
I believe the revelation of the hand holding the jar of water in the dream signifies the movement of the power of God to release His people into the freedom of seeing correctly. Whenever the hand of God is mentioned in Scripture, it always signifies the power of God to deliver and set free. Water signifies both the Spirit and the Word. Therefore, the mighty hand of God is going to move powerfully in these days to release moves of His Spirit through the fusion of His Spirit and His Word. Scales of deception will fall off eyes and hearts as God's Spirit of Revelation is poured out for the understanding of Scripture.
"...but it took the move of God's Spirit through the dream to revive the Scripture I knew." |
Some years ago in London, I heard a testimony of a brother who attended a Bible school where I spoke about healing. He shared that for many years he had been unable to pray for sickness to be healed because he had believed that God allowed sicknesses for certain purposes. However, the teaching I gave and the Scriptures of healing I shared opened his eyes to God's intention to heal us. As a result, he was delivered from deception. I believe the jar of water I saw in the dream represented the truth of healing words, just like the ones this man heard when I spoke, that will wash the eyes of understanding so people can believe God.
An Awakening and Healing of the Nations
The filthy and blurry windows in the dream had made it impossible to see what was happening outside of the... (continue reading)