From the desk of Steve Shultz:
When I read through Helen Cobanov's latest article, the words "life-giving" came to me.
This is a most life-giving word from Helen as she shares some powerful words from the Lord that will give you a good kick-start into the plans and the next steps God has for you.
If you are feeling "unqualified" you really need to read this word of the Lord through Helen as she shares:
God spoke to me and said, "If My people are waiting to be fully qualified, they will be waiting for a very long time! They will sit idle, with the engine running, going no-where. Or if My people are wanting to go it alone, they will not be able to move forward into new territory and will miss what I have planned for them."
He continued to say, "The path I have planned for you is far greater than you know! But we MUST travel it together! Today I am calling you to be willing to put on your L-Plates and to stop sitting idle. Stop listening to the lies of the enemy that you are not good enough or not qualified enough! Put aside self-doubt, fears, complacency and distractions. Have faith in Me, for I qualify you!"
If God has called you, HE is the one who qualifies and gives you the right connections, relationships and provisions.
Keep moving because...everything is changing! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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The Lord Says: "Today Everything Changes"
Helen Cobanov, Brisbane, Australia
The Lord has been speaking to me these past few weeks saying, "Today, everything changes." The first day I heard this, it just so happened to be the day my son Noah went for his learner's license (permit). I thought, "Well, yes Lord. Today everything does change!" But since that morning, every day I have been waking up and hearing these words, "Today everything changes."
As I have been leaning into God about what He is saying, He started to speak to me regarding my complacency and self-doubts – the feelings of not being qualified, not ready and not able to do what God is asking me to do.
"If My people are waiting to be fully qualified, they will be waiting for a very long time!" |
Then He spoke to me about the journey my son has been on to get his learner's license. Noah has never driven a car on the roads before, and previously never understood road rules. But for Noah to get his learner's license, he had to be prepared to take the first steps. Then, with no experience and only the limited knowledge he had read about, he took and passed a simple paper test. He can now get into a car and learn to drive! He is NOT a qualified driver, but that doesn't stop him from learning.
Then the Lord said to me "Helen, people are sitting and waiting because they don't feel qualified to do what I am asking them to do! They are filled with self-doubt and complacency in the waiting. If you sit around waiting, without being prepared to take the first steps and then sit in the driver's seat with your L-plates on (learner's plates), you will not learn! You will never be ready and you will never feel qualified to do what I am asking you to do!" (Note: An L-plate is a square plate bearing a sans-serif letter L, for learner, which must be affixed to the front and back of a vehicle if its driver is a learner under instruction.)
Get Used to Your L-Plates! I Am Your Instructor
Then the Lord said, "I am your instructor, and it's time to... (continue reading)