From the desk of Steve Shultz:
My friend James Goll is always full of incredible revelation straight from the Throne of God. I always look forward to his heavenly teaching articles he sends out monthly.
I know his latest one will really help many of you who are "struggling" in areas right now. Believe me, you will want to read this and then read it again to take it all it is full of practical keys just for you!
James shares here:
Jesus' work on the Cross is perfect and complete, but you are called to enforce the victory of Calvary in your own life. Sometimes you must DO. You cannot just passively "slip and slide". Passivity leads only to one place: the downward spiral of darkness. Instead, put on your spiritual armor and dress yourself for battle. So let's take a look at 7 foundational truths, the weapons of our warfare, that we must remember and apply.
As you take in these 7 foundational truths from James, I believe you will see amazing breakthroughs! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"7 Ways to Shorten Your Seasons of Struggle"
James W. Goll, Franklin, TN
Battle is part of the Christian life. There is a real enemy and you were born into a war. So seasons of struggle are a given. But can you shorten your seasons of struggle? I believe you can, and I believe that the Bible is filled with good advice toward this end. You do not need to prolong the agony. You can arise and conquer.
One of the enemy's ploys is to make you roll over into a passive position. When that happens, you are no longer actively engaged and the devil can roll over you. It is important to daily arise, speak to your inner man and remind yourself of the foundational truths in the Word of God! As you rise up, these truths become weapons that drive the enemy back and make quick work of the battle.
"Not only does praise express and build up your faith, but it also creates a climate that satan cannot tolerate. What a wonderful weapon for bringing light into darkness!" |
Even if you have been through a few skirmishes before, you can't just slide into automatic pilot. It is vital to use your most effective weapons, ones that are tried and tested. These are weapons that work – but you must work them. Did you catch that? For the weapons to work, YOU must work THEM!
Jesus' work on the Cross is perfect and complete, but you are called to enforce the victory of Calvary in your own life. Sometimes you must DO. You cannot just passively "slip and slide". Passivity leads...(continue reading)