From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a pretty potent word and a real eye-opener into the spirit of poverty.
I know many prophetic voices have said that we are on the cusp of a great "transfer of wealth" into the Kingdom of God.
But before that happens, God is preparing us, training and equipping us in just how to steward His finances well...and that includes breaking off the spirit of poverty.
Jamie Rohrbaugh starts out with this in her latest article:
I've been very burdened lately for God's people, specifically in the area of finances. I see so many precious people being tricked by a spirit of poverty – a demonic force that wants to rob God's sons and daughters of blessing and provision. And beloveds, it's time to kick the spirit of poverty to the curb.
Find out in these 7 signs which Jamie shares in this article...just how you can kick poverty to the curb and start receiving a heavenly abundance! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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"7 Signs of a Spirit of Poverty"
Jamie Rohrbaugh, Chattanooga, TN
I've been very burdened lately for God's people, specifically in the area of finances. I see so many precious people being tricked by a spirit of poverty – a demonic force that wants to rob God's sons and daughters of blessing and provision. And beloveds, it's time to kick the spirit of poverty to the curb.
Being poor is NEVER from the Lord. God's Word tells us that God is our good, good Father who will bless us abundantly if we obey Him. That's why we must learn how to identify a poverty spirit: so we can get rid of it if we've embraced it.
If you don't know that you've let the enemy deceive you in this area, you won't know that you need to get free...and you won't see the change you desire to see in your life.
So let's look at 7 signs of a spirit of poverty. Before we start, know this: if you see any of these in yourself, don't get under condemnation about it. Just repent for any sin in your life in this area. Speak out loud that you renounce agreement with the spirit of poverty. Speak out loud that you receive and embrace God's abundance and prosperity instead. Command that spirit of poverty to leave you in Jesus' name, ask the Holy Spirit to fill you where that was, and to teach you the truth of His Word about His desire to bless and provide for you. OK? Here are the seven signs...
Sign #1 of a Spirit of Poverty: Chronic, Long-Term Lack and Expectation Thereof
"God tends to bless people who obey Him; who do good works; who give generously; and who make wise decisions." |
Lots of people have been through slim times financially for brief periods. However, if you're stuck in a chronic, long-term pattern of lack, odds are good that a spirit of poverty (or even of limitation) may be oppressing you.
The very first step to the process of getting out of chronic lack is building your faith for more. (Additional steps in this process are outlined below.) If you have been in lack a long time, it tends to get you down. If that's you, stretch your faith and dig deeply into prayer over God's promises to bless you. As you transform your mindset through God's Word, the enemy won't be able to tempt you or rob you of your faith for reward and provision.
Sign #2 of a Spirit of Poverty: Thinking You Have to Give Your Work Away
Before I entered full-time ministry, I spent nearly 15 years in the corporate world in a Fortune 500 company. While there, I learned that work has value. Nobody goes to work from 8 AM to 5 PM every day because they want to work for free. We want to be paid, and we want to be paid more.
Yet, as Christians, we often think that we should... (continue reading)