From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Many of you reading this have influence "outside" the Church as God has called you to have great impact in the marketplace today.
Larry Sparks is the publisher at Destiny Image and writes a powerful word about what the Lord is doing in this time as He releases "Caleb prophets" to help fulfill the seven mountain mandate:
I prophesy: an outward momentum in the Body of Christ. Since 99% of those who attend local churches week after week are not called to "full-time ministry" but rather, some kind of job, trade, or place of influence in the Seven Mountains, I believe the Lord is shifting the wineskin of Church. The Church will start receiving strategies on how to empower everyday, Holy Spirit-filled people to "go out" and carry God into the places they have been assigned to.
Also, for those who didn't know, Don Nori Sr., founder of Destiny Image Publishing, went home to be with the Lord yesterday. We posted this on our Breaking Christian News site here. Let's also be praying for the Nori family and Destiny Image in this time...that God is their great Comforter in this hour! Thank you for your prayers! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Caleb Prophets will Help Fulfill the 7 Mountain Mandate!"
Larry Sparks, West Palm Beach, FL
Is the "Seven Mountain Mandate" defective and obsolete? Are there additional components to the "Seven Mountains" message? Are there other mountains that we are missing?
I believe this portion of Scripture (Numbers 13) is instructional and timely for us to consider today when it comes to the glaring question of: why aren't we seeing more spheres of influence impacted and transformed by the Kingdom of God?
The "Seven Mountain" message is not defective in the same way the promise of God for Israel to "occupy the land of Canaan" was not defective. While many are cowering away from culture, the Lord is raising up prophetic Caleb voices like He did among the twelve spies of Israel who proclaim: "Let us occupy the land! We are tell able to overcome!"
Consider thought leader, Dr. Lance Wallnau. I believe he carries a prophetic "Caleb voice" in this hour, championing the Church to be the transformational Ekklesia that Jesus envisioned. I was speaking with Lance recently and I wholeheartedly believe the wisdom and revelation God has entrusted to him for over a decade is more timely than ever. There's nothing defective with the "Seven Mountain" mandate; it simply requires anointed and willing vessels to run towards the challenge. Many Believers live in fear of what's on the other side of this assignment – world systems that are in many cases grossly under the influence of darkness. Yes, the darkness is dark and intimidating.
"Spheres of influence will be seized either way – if not by those under the influence of the Spirit, then those under the influence of the 'god of this age'." |
But doesn't Scripture speak of a glory that would rise upon us, even in the midst of GROSS, deep darkness (Isa. 60:1-3)? Doesn't Jesus actually instruct us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world, which implies He is looking for a people that have a measurable, visible impact on society around them? Salt and light impact what they are applied to (see Matt. 5:13-16).
I believe the Lord is raising up a prophetic Caleb anointing that is intended to break fear and intimidation off the Body of Christ. I prophesy even now that those who are most "under the influence" of the Spirit of God are those called to have the most influence in their spheres of influence. After all, when those under His influence have the most influence, by default the Kingdom is having influence and that fulfills the apostolic prayer of Jesus... (continue reading)