From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I really relate to much of what Nate Johnston shares in his latest word.
There are times and seasons that we hunger and want much more of God!
Nate had several encounters in his hunger for more of Him...and he received a NOW revelation for the Body of Christ.
In some recent encounters he shares this:
As I waited in His presence night after night, He would come and just love on me. It was less about what I brought and more about just making room in my life for Him to come, and that season marked me for the fruit I am seeing now. I feel like we are in a season of God pouring out something fresh, but if we get busy and distracted, we may miss what He is wanting to give us. He is speaking to you today to come and wait at His feet, hearing His words cascade over you like Mary of Bethany.
As you read through Nate's article, I pray you hunger to come up higher...and receive much more of HIM! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"The Upper Room Company & the Invitation for More"
Nate Johnston, Gold Coast, Australia
I have a burning word that I want to unravel by sharing a few of the encounters and visions which have birthed it. I know that if you and I catch what God is saying through His words of awakening, we will see manifested what we have dreamt of for the Body of Christ. As you read through this, I pray that you would receive an impartation for a greater hunger and revival fire that you were created to live with every day.
There Has to Be More!
I want to be honest...I haven't been satisfied for a long while now, and I could pretty much say I have been like this my whole life. Always peering around the corner, curiously wanting to see what was to come and living in the tension of what is now and what is to come. But there is a LONGING for more that myself and many others are experiencing right now which has been very different.
One morning in early December, I was so overcome with the presence of God that out of me came this cry of: "I want more Jesus, I want more!" I was not saying that He was not enough or that I was ungrateful, but it was something He was doing in me to reveal the untapped vastness of His person – His glory – that I was not yet experiencing or seeing others experience.
"In the new covenant we become FILLED with the Holy Spirit and FIRE, baptized, immersed, and saturated in His abiding presence and power." |
It was a dissatisfaction that ran so deep that it seemed like all other appetites evaporated or waned instantly in light of the hunger that was erupting from my spirit. God began to show me that in this season He is rolling back the curtain and the veil, so we can see what is available. He is calling the Church out of stagnancy and "church as usual" to develop the appetite we were designed to have...for the unlimited riches of His glory!
"The fading ministry came with a portion of glory, but now we embrace the unfading ministry of a permanent impartation of glory." (2 Corinthians 3:11)
Wait, Wait, Wait
This radical hunger sent me into a season of deep abandonment to the secret place, but I would find that I couldn't seem to leave. If I did get up too early, I would hear, "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait," and I knew exactly what He was asking of me. In 2006, I was so hungry for the Lord that I decided I would lay down in my living room every night, listening to worship, until God showed up. I wasn't sure my plan would work, but I had nothing to lose.
After a few weeks, I had finally... (continue reading)