From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Healing is always on the Father's heart...and I believe we are on the cusp of some of the greatest healing revivals we've seen yet.
Nathan Shaw of New Zealand shares about this in his latest article as he says:
Healing is a manifestation of God's Kingdom rule. When people came to Jesus, they discovered not just a Healer who could heal, but a King with a Kingdom. At the heart of God's Kingdom is a tender Father whose heart yearns, even aches, for people to be healed. God's Kingdom is coming with increasing force, and healing will take center stage along with it. Healing revivals have come and gone. However, we are entering a time when the ministry of healing will have a continual prominence.
I've heard from more people who have said they feel a great healing outpouring for "raising the dead" is about to happen. Let's keep having the faith to believe for this type of healing to be a "normal" way of Christian's part of the greater works that Jesus told us about! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"The Manifestation of 'Healing' is On the Father's Heart"
Nathan Shaw, Dunedin, New Zealand
Since the great healing revival of the late 1940s, many anointed men and women have championed the ministry of healing. However, controversy has always been close by. Most of the controversy has been around three issues:
• Whether or not claims of healing were genuine.
• The lifestyles of prominent healers.
• Biblical theology about healing.
Rather than getting embroiled in controversies, we need to answer a simple question: How important is healing to the Father?
A Modern Day Sign
A few years ago, God revealed His heart to me about healing. He did it by giving me a glimpse of the prophetic significance of several cities within my nation. One of those cities was the city of Nelson. Here is what I wrote at that time:
"Those who are uniquely and powerfully called to champion the ministry of healing will be known for lifestyles of humility and holiness." |
"Nelson will experience a profound healing revival. Healing is very close to the Father's heart. That which is coming is radical, radical, radical. Nelson is strategically located at the center point of New Zealand. A powerful mandate will come forth from this city to restore the ministry of healing to center place."
Prophets come in all shapes and sizes. Some prophets speak prophetically, but others actually become a...(continue reading)