From the desk of Steve Shultz:
There is so much that God is doing in our current day. I sure enjoy reading the prophetic words coming out about the harvest, great stadium gatherings, and what is happening now "on earth as it is in Heaven."
Stephen Springer writes an exciting word about what is being released:
An awakening sound and an awakening wind will blow – uprooting mindsets, corruption and religion. It is going to get windy between now and Pentecost in May! Shaking will happen as creation is groaning for the true sons and daughters of the Kingdom to come forth. It is a seismic year.
Amen...what is coming forth from Heaven will be seismic for sure! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Harvest Gatherings and the Symphonic Sound of Heaven"
Steven Springer, Madison, WI
A Dream of Generations Gathering – Stadiums Filled
I had a dream a while back that I was standing on this large platform in an amazingly packed stadium, and standing with me on either side were Lou Engle and Billy Graham. I could see angels dancing in the heavenlies over the stadium as the sound of a younger worship team released a prophetic sound, exalting the name of Jesus. It caused darkness to tremble and flee.
The masses began to respond to the sound. They came forward falling on their knees, faces down, being saved for the first time. I saw on one side of the stage (off to the left) people coming out of wheelchairs, people rejoicing who had been blind but now could see, and the deaf who could now hear the symphonic sound of a generation hungry for the Lord! The stadium was like Camp Randall in Madison, Wisconsin, one that would seat nearly 100,000.
"There is a great, fruitful harvest that is coming and a tremendous move of the Spirit like the spring rains." |
I believe the intergenerational unity in this dream is key for this next move of the Spirit. Lou Engle (Prayer & Prophetic Intercession, Spiritual Air Force), Billy Graham (Evangelism General), Steven Springer (Healing, Prophetic, Apostolic), and younger worship teams of late teens and 20 somethings. Abraham, Isaac, Israel and the sons of Israel: a joining of the generations to see the greatest move of Holy Spirit the world has ever experienced.
A season for stadium Christianity is at hand, and it will be the joining of the generations to usher in the greatest harvest of sons and daughters. The prayer and passionate burning of the generations is preparing the way for evangelism and great signs, wonders and miracles. Whole cities will be impacted by the power of the Gospel – on earth as is in Heaven!
"For the intimate secrets of his heart will be brought to light. He will be mystified and fall face down in worship and say, 'God is truly among you.'" (1 Corinthians 14:25)
A New Student Missions and Third Great Awakening
A new student missions movement is being birthed from the haystacks of harvest at campuses all across the earth. God is going to fund the movement! It will be like... (continue reading)