From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a bit of a sobering reminder that many in the Body need to hear.
There are times that prophetic voices give a stronger word, even warnings, yet there is a way to "deliver these messages" in maturity and in love.
I appreciate Anita Alexander writing up such a word like's "class 101" on message deliverance that I think is highly beneficial to us all.
Anita shares here:
Truth coated in mercy is delivered from a heart of humility, even though the content of the word may be very confronting and challenging. A word given in mercy can still be a word like a hammer which breaks in pieces the most stubborn resistance. A word in mercy does not mean it's fluffy or is tickling-of-the-ear, but it is those words of alignments, those words that may be particularly confronting and challenging, that need the most mercy upon the delivery.
Now that is some mature wisdom! I pray this helps many of you who are called to deliver words from the Lord and how to gauge them in maturity, humility and in love. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"The Lord is Calling Us to Greater Maturity and Humility"
Anita Alexander, Gold Coast, Australia
Today I would love to bring forth a message to my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, including those who have eyes to see and may even hold a "prophetic" OR "apostolic" anointing or office and platform.
Oh the responsibility that weighs on the lives to those who "see" – those who have prophetic revelational insight into the ways and purposes of God. Oh the responsibility that weighs on the life that has mandates of reformation and carries insights of the restoration of the forgotten truths to the Body of Christ. Oh the weighty responsibility of the message of God and the secrets of God and most importantly of all, the DELIVERY of that message.
"But, I believe, there is also a warning from God's heart to these vessels: be careful in how you manage yourselves in your delivery and instruction of these truths the Lord has entrusted you with in this time." |
For some are called to prophesy, to be mouthpieces of the Lord's heart, delivering His intent and purposes for His beloved. Some are called to forge reformation to a generation of Believers who have been found lost and wandering off the road of the truth due to being fed a watered down Gospel mixed with the wisdom of this world and age.
With the ability to see comes great responsibility as to what you do with what you see. Now, I'm not just talking about those who have heavenly visions and encounters. I am talking to all prophetic mouthpieces who see according to the revelatory insight and wisdom into the Word of God, who have a "knowing by discernment" and also those who dream and encounter visions of the night. I believe all those called to the prophetic "see" and it just depends upon which vehicle you see through.
We know through Scripture that the prophetic role is to restore hearts to the Lord and realign that which may be out of alignment. In other words, the prophetic office is to release the Word of the Lord to bring about repentance into the hearts and lives of His people in order to restore intimacy and fellowship with the Lord. (Photo via Flickr)
The call of the plumb-line prophets: I see more than ever in this day that the Lord is raising up "plumb-line prophets". These prophets are those who are called to restore... (continue reading)